Lost Fan Fiction

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Location: Lawrenceville, Georgia, United States

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Part 403: A Sort of Homecoming

Jenny had become famous once and she had become famous again.

The captain grilled her about what happened on that roof and Jenny told him the truth. The Ortega had challenged him to a fight and in a fit of rage, she broke his arm. While he was reeling from the pain, she broke his back. The captain was weary to believe the story that Jenny was the one who killed Ortega, considering he was twice her size. However, when the Mayor had arrived, he had no choice but to believe it.

The Mayor was immensely proud of Jenny, giving her an award for valor and getting their picture taken for the morning paper. Not only had Jenny stopped Ortega, she had brought the mad vigilante Jack of All Shades to justice as well. Ford was upset that she solved his case but she didn’t care. Nor did she care that Jack wasn’t really the killer everybody thought he was. She knew he was taking out the Dharma scientists because he wanted justice for the experimentation they did on him and the other Jaeger Units.

Jenny rested in her hospital roof; parts of her covered in bandages and parts of her stitched up. She didn’t cry as much but she cried a little; remembering her mother. She will always love her and will always miss her. But she supposed that may have been what life was all about. The circle of life; her mother was taken from her and to fill that void, in stepped Raven. Jenny wiped her tears, glad that fate was taking care of her.

The door opened and in stepped Jack. The doctor walked over toward his adoptive little sister and embraced her. She laughed and grunted from the pain. Jack backed off and then sat down on the bed with her. “You all right, Mei-mei?” he asked.

“I’m okay,” she smiled, “I would have thought it wouldn’t have been hard to take out Ortega, considering what I did with Texas. But then again, I was sixteen at the time.”

“Kinda sucks growing old, huh?” the doctor laughed.

“Yeah, it does.” She laughed.

Jack laughed too and then got serious for a second. “Your mother would be proud of you.” He told her.

“Thanks, Jack,” she said, taking his hand, “How is Sarah doing?”

“She’s out in the hallway. She’s finally calming down. I think she understand why you did what you did but she was afraid she’d lose you too.”

Jenny smiled from ear to ear. “She’ll never lose me,” she grinned, “I’m invincible.”

Jack laughed again and then leaned over; kissing her on the cheek. “I’ll check back with you later, mei-mei. You get your rest now.”

Jenny then took him by the wrist; stopping him from leaving. “Jack, wait a second,” she whispered.

“Sure, what . . .what’s up?” Jack was paused by her look.

Jenny didn’t have the look on her face that told the world of what she just went through. She had the look on her face like that of a child; specifically one on Christmas morning. The young police officer smiled brightly and kept from giggling. “Jack,” she slowly whispered, “I need a BIG favor.”

The beginning of the morning, Jenny finally managed to drive home. They were worried that she wouldn’t make it because of the medication she was on. However, Jack got her a tall coffee from Starbucks to help. She only barely sipped it because she had her other arm in a cast. She turned down her road and easily found her house. She pulled up her truck and got out. Jenny paused to take her coffee, and the breakfast she picked up for herself and Raven.

Jenny walked up to the front door and tried to open it. It was still locked. Jenny was confused for a second. If Raven was inside the house, why would he lock the door? She began to fumble through her keys to unlock it and then a quick swoosh from above made her jump from the sound of Raven landing near her. The abrupt arrival made her drop her coffee but in one fluid swift motion, Raven caught the hot liquid. “Didn’t mean to startle you.” He smiled under his bandages.

“Raven!” she laughed, “What . .what are you doing on the roof?”

“Waiting for you,” he shrugged as if it was obvious.

“Wait a minute . . .you broke into my house to find out where I was and now you were waiting for me to come in now? Why . .why wait?”

“I don’t know. I guess it just felt . . .impolite.”

Jenny laughed and playfully handed him the breakfast. “I must admit, I think I like your fifties style manners.” She said, opening the door.

“Hey, they did me just fine, young whipper-snapper,” he laughed.

Raven didn’t get a chance to look at her house last night. He was amazed that such a simple girl would have a big home. The photos on the walls were of that of friends and family. Jenny took her nunchucks and placed them on the hook on the wall near the photos. Raven blushed slightly at her homage to him. “How did you get such a lovely home, Jenny?” he asked.

“It was a Christmas present from Hurley. He’s rich, you know?”

“Yes, I believe I think someone did mention that, “ Before Raven could say anything, he heard a barking at his feet, “ Jesus!”

“Hey, Squishie, there you are!” Jenny laughed at her dog finally coming out of hiding.

“What . . .what the hell is wrong with your dog?” Raven said, picking him up.

“Nothing is wrong with him. He’s a Japanese Pug.” She said, retrieving the breakfast.

“You mean . . .THEY COME LIKE THIS ON PURPOSE?” the Jaeger Unit stared at the small animal, “Looks like a bulldog that someone left in the stove too long.”

Jenny picked up some orange juice from the fridge and walked back to the table. She calmly started to unwrap her sausage biscuit. It made her heart soar seeing her dog was being overly happy to see Raven, whereas before he was scared of the Jack of All Shades. Raven calmly took off his overcoat and sat down at the other end of the table. Jenny slid the glass of orange juice over to him and his biscuit. “What am I eating here?” he asked her.

“Sausage biscuit from McDonalds. My favorite for simple breakfasts,” Jenny said, with a mouth full of food.

“Personally I like the chicken nuggets.” Raven said, removing his bandages enough to eat his food.

Jenny raised an eyebrow. “Wait, Raven . . .how do you know about chicken nuggets?” she asked.

Raven shrugged his shoulders. “Because . . .I’ve had them.” He said, as if it was obvious.

“Raven, how long have you been here?”

“Just shy of three months,” he admitted.

“Where have you been?” she gasped, “Better yet . . .how did you get here?”

“I swam,” he smirked under his bandaged mask, “Took me a whole year. Desmond and Isabella, not to mention the other security systems prompt me into it. I started swimming in the general direction but I was way off course. I wound up in Washington.”

“DC?” Jenny raised an eyebrow.

“The state, Jenny.” Raven chuckled.

“OH. My bad.” She giggled, sipping her juice, “Unbelievable. Swimming all the way here. Only you could have pulled that off.”

“It wasn’t easy but . . .I made it. I mostly walked here; simply because no one would give a bandaged face man a ride.”

“Yeah, I can believe that,” Jenny then paused, “Raven . .I have to ask . .how did you find my house anyway?”

Raven bit into his biscuit and chewed it. He coughed and rubbed his chin. Jenny wondered what he was thinking and why he didn’t answer her. The Jaeger Unit then calmly reached behind to his overcoat and pulled out a folded piece of newspaper. He calmly unwrapped it, placed it on the table and slid it over to her. Jenny picked it up and realized how Raven was able to find her.

It was her mother’s obituary.

“I’m so sorry, Jenny.” He said, with complete sympathy.

“It’s okay,” she sniffed, “I just wish . . .you’d have been here to meet her.”

“If I was here, I would have protected her.”

“I know that.” She said, sipping her juice and then rubbing her forehead.

“Are . .are you all right?”

“I just . . I’m just so tired. I need some sleep.”

“Well, why don’t you go get some sleep then? I promise I will be here when you wake up.”

Jenny smiled at him. She knew he would keep that promise. She wished her mother didn’t die but Jenny felt a strange sensation that everything was going to be okay.

Later after breakfast, Jenny practically past out. She slept in Raven’s arms as they both sat on the couch. Amusingly enough, Squishface slept on his other lap. Raven was glad that he was welcomed into Jenny’s life. She and the warrior formed a bond on the Island that not many people would have made. It was the right decision to come her; he felt that. He was sad that she lost her mother to an insane Jaeger Unit but he knew now, that he would do anything to protect her. He was wondering what the future will hold but at the moment, he felt to go ahead and let that slide.

He was too busy watching the History Channel.

Raven had watched at least one show about Vietnam and another show about the fall of the Berlin wall. He was amazed about how much history he missed and what he needed to catch up on. Fifty years didn’t seem like long for a Jaeger Unit but he was more than a man now and he was eager to find out what he missed. He gently stroked Jenny’s hair and Squishface’s fur while he watched a segment about Water Gate. Then the doorbell rang. Raven’s eyes flashed blue; he thought maybe that Jenny’s sister was coming to check on her. Jenny slowly woke up as the door bell continued to ring. She smiled as she rubbed her eyes and got up to move toward the door. “You expecting someone?” Raven asked.

“Actually, I am.” She giggled.

Jenny opened the door and in stepped her adoptive brother. “JACK!” Raven exclaimed with joy.

“Oh, my God,” Jack whispered, recognizing the voice of the Jaeger Unit that helped him on the Island, “I didn’t believe . . .until I’ve seen you now.”

“I told you I wasn’t high on morphine.” Jenny shoved him.

Jack placed down the printer paper box and gave Raven a brief hug. “Really great to see you, man,” the doctor laughed, patting him on the arm.

“It’s great to see you too. Do you know how Eko is doing?”

“He’s got a little piece of land upstate. He’s really happy. We see him every Christmas.”

“That is one reunion, I am looking forward too.” Jenny then tapped the doctor on the arm, “Did you get the stuff I asked for?”

“Right here.” Jack said, picking up the box and walking into the living room.

Jenny took Raven by the hand and led him into the living room. The stranger was curious what was transpiring. Jack opened up the box and then reached inside. He then calmly pulled out an expressionless white face mask. It looked like something that the Phantom of the Opera might have worn, had he had a full mask. He calmly gave it to Raven. “What is this?” he asked.

“It’s a medical licensed facial covering for burn victims.” Jack said, pulling out some papers, “ And there is the documentation you can carry around with you, to inform police or anybody else that you are a burn victim. Authorized by a certifiable doctor; ME.”

“So . . .I can . . .still go places?” Raven said, a little excited.

“I know you felt trapped on that Island and you probably feel trapped here because of what you are, Raven,” Jenny rubbed his arm, “But I wanted to give you every opportunity to experience what life has to offer.”

“Now you can wear a mask in public and nobody will be able to say anything about it.”

Raven stared at the mask that offered him a new found freedom. He was expecting to remain in her house and watch the History channel for the next few years. Now, if Jenny wanted to go see a movie, he could go with her without drawing much attention. The young police officer then hugged him.

“Welcome to the New World, Raven,” she smiled.


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