Lost Fan Fiction

What about the people in the tail section?

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Location: Lawrenceville, Georgia, United States

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Part 396: Body Count

January 22nd, 2009

Kellye was the one who received the call. Jenny had just arrived and she had to follow them out the door of the precinct. She barely had time to finish her coffee, and sadly, her oatmeal would have to wait for her. The other officers got in their vehicles, while Jenny and Kelly proceeded back to hers. “We’re getting closer to him, Jen,” the brunette replied.

“What do you mean?” she said, throwing the coffee away.

“We’re off to the Hanso Foundation.” Kellye replied, getting into the passengers side of the truck.

“We finally got a warrant to search the building?”

“No, but more than likely, Judge Cine may give us one after this. A body was found in the area outside the entrance to the Hanso building.”

“Widmore?” Jenny asked, shocked.

Kellye pushed the hair out of her eyes. “Not yet,” she sighed.

The detectives arrived at the Hanso Foundation parking lot. Multitudes of police and reporters were nearby, trying to get photos while the men and women in blue kept them back. Jenny got out and a group of reporters rushed her. She and Kellye fought through the crowd and got past the section of Crime Scene yellow tape. The amber haired detective looked up and was amazed at what she was seeing. It was an amber haired woman and she was hanging but it wasn’t from any catwalk or ledge but the bronze statue of Alvar Hanso in the small water fountain outside the front entrance. Kellye looked at the woman and noticed the same markings and extension cord she had seen at so many previous. She then pointed to the one thing that made this victim unique. “Badge.” She pointed.

Jenny saw what her good friend was pointing at. On the hip of the victim was a scanning badge with her face and the Hanso log on it. “She worked here.” Jenny whispered.

“I’d say it’s safe to say he’s made his final statement,” Ana-Lucia mentioned, “Killing one of her employees and leaving the body at her front door? Can’t make a more bolder statement without killing her.”

“All right, get the body down,” Day told the forensic men.

“Shouldn’t we have Ms. Widmore in protective custody?” asked Meg.

“Already asked,” the black detective mentioned, “She refused.”

“She’s got a death wish,” Maxine mumbled, as she started to photograph the body.

“No,” Jenny rubbed her cheek, “She’s protecting her company.”

Kellye was filling out the notes in her pad when she heard her friend make the quiet statement. She leaned in closer to her. “You think she finally believes it’s Ortega?” she whispered.

“Right, and guess what happens when we stop the bastard? The forensic photo of that Dharma logo on the back of his neck gets on the front page news. And her company is ruined when they figure the connection between this murderer and those people that Jack killed.”

“We’re still not sure if we can stop him, Jenny.” Ana-Lucia mentioned.

Jenny shook her head, agreeing with the statement. Meg, Max and Day were examining the body. All the wounds seem to be consistent with all the previous victims. They gently removed the cord from around her neck. Max began to exam the rib cage and shook her head in agreement; meaning that they were broken. Day then looked in the woman’s side pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. He opened it up and looked at it. “What’s that?” Meg asked.

Day didn’t answer her immediately. He calmly picked up a small manila envelope and placed it inside. “It’s nothing.” He whispered, “Just a receipt for some shoes or something.”

“Might be able to tell her where he grabbed her,” Maxine pointed out.

“I’ll look into it.” Day said, tucking it inside his jacket pocket.

Ana-Lucia then noticed movement behind her. She calmly turned around and saw a large stretched limo. It was nearby the crowd of reporters but no one had noticed it yet. Then the passenger side door opened and a large, blonde man stepped out. He proceeded to walk across the enter breath of the entrance court. The cops stopped him shortly and he didn’t offer any resistance. “Detectives?” he called to them.

The females and the black police officer turned toward the large man as he got their attention. “Detective Jenny Baker?” he asked.

“Yes, “ the amber haired girl replied.

“Ms. Widmore would like a word with you.” He motioned back to the limousine.

Jenny looked at the limo and then looked to Ana-Lucia. The Latina was hesitant at first but realized, it may be their only chance to get in touch with Widmore and convince her to be placed in protective custody. The senior officer shook her head in approval. Jenny then followed the bodyguard through the grounds toward the limousine. The blonde man opened the door and allowed Jenny to step in. The young detective looked at the CEO, as she was draped in typical business ware. “I would say good morning but when someone dies, it’s hardly good, is it?” Widmore whispered.

“Did you know the victim?” Jenny asked.

“No, just someone from accounting. However, I still feel responsible. He . . .killed her because of me, didn’t he?”

“We believe so,” Jenny said in all seriousness, “We believe this to be his final solution, Ms. Widmore. His next target will be you.”

“How close are you to catching him?”

“We are no closer now than when we were two weeks ago.” Jenny said in all honesty.

Widmore closed her eyes and sighed. She then leaned forward and pulled out a manila envelope from the seat carrier in front of her. She calmly handed it to the officer sitting next to her. “Everything I could find on Stephen Ortega.” She whispered, “I had no idea he was a Jaeger Unit.”

Jenny opened the envelope and looked at the files. She had pictures of Stephan Ortega, who was a Spaniard, not an Italian. He was a former soldier but there were no dates in the file. There were no indications that he was a Jaeger Unit. “Where is the proof that he was experimented on?” Jenny asked.

“Please, Officer Baker,” Widmore sniffed, “As much as I want to stay alive, I don’t have the desire to see my company in the gutter because of the insane experiments by it’s founders. You have any idea what would happen if such knowledge went public?”

“But that proves you are aware of those files. They exist. You’ve seen them!”

“Yes, and when this affair is over with, no one else will see them either. I can’t afford to lose everything.”

“Then answer me this. Every Jaeger Unit was equipped with a poisonous capsule, right? In case they went rogue or couldn’t be controlled?”

“Yes, that is what the files said.”

“Does Ortega have one?”

“They all had them implanted.” Widmore sniffed, finding it difficult to talk about such things.

“How do we activate Ortega’s?”

“You don’t,” the older woman looked at her, “My father had the remote trigger switch. However, what he did with it, he took that knowledge to his grave.”

Jenny sighed and held the envelope aloft in her hands. She looked at the CEO. “If you had come to us with this information, we might have been able to get a fix on him,” the detective said, “Now, he might just be able to get to you.”

“No, he won’t. I am leaving the city. You feel free to inform me when you have stopped him.”

“I don’t know if we can. If your father had informed you of the trigger switch, then we might have had a chance.”

“Yes, well, my father thought he could fight ever single fight for me. Including the fight for love. I was young with Stephan and I am glad he broke that off. However, he also took my Desmond away from me as well. I won’t let his last foolish act take away my company as well.”

“Good luck, Ms. Widmore. I hope wherever you go, you’ll be comfortable.”

“The Bahamas are nice this time of year,” she smiled, “I’ll send you a post card.”

Jenny shook her hand and then exited the limo. She proceeded to walk back toward grouping of officers. She was thinking about everything Widmore had told her. If they had any chance of catching Ortega, then they would have to study his habits and find a way to get close to him. Jenny then stopped dead in her tracks when she remembered something Widmore had told her. “Desmond?” she said to herself.

She turned and saw the limousine pulling out into the highway; on route toward the airport more than likely. Jenny remembered the stories that Jack told her about the Dharma station called Broadway and the stranger known as Desmond; who was forced to keep the numbers punched into the computer to spit out medicine for his ailing son. Desmond, Widmore, and Dharma; was it all a coincidence? Jenny never met Desmond, so she didn’t even know what he looked like. She figured she would get back to it, as she knew at the moment she had more important things to do.

“Did she say anything useful?” Ana-Lucia asked.

“She finally confirmed it for us.” Jenny handed her the information, “The scumbag’s name is Stephan Ortega. He is listed as a former bodyguard of her father.”

“Excellent. We even got his picture,” the Latina said, proudly, “I’m going to get wanted posters of this guy up all over town so fast, it’ll make the captain’s head spin.”

“So I take it Ms. Widmore left?” Maxine asked.

“Yes, she was going to go to the Bahamas. Figures it will keep her safe from this guy and she’s probably . . .right .. . “ Jenny paused in her talking when she saw that her partner was missing, “Hey, Where’s Kellye?”

“She went with Day to check out the receipt that was in the victim’s pocket,” Ana-Lucia patted her on the shoulder, “Let’s get this scene cleared up and back to the station.”

Detective Day continued driving toward the location he was aware of. Kellye continued to review her notes; not paying attention to where they were driving. She figured she would cover a lot of ground in the meantime. If figuring out the location of where the woman bought her shoes, they might be able to back track and figure out a way to determine where the killer might have stalked her from. The car came to a stop and Kellye raised her head. However, she was curious why they were in a slum district and no where near a mall or anything. “Edwin, . .uh . . .where are we?” she asked.

The black detective pulled out his pistol and made sure it was armed. “We’re investigating a possible location for the killer,” he told her.

“WHAT?” Kellye gasped, pulling out her gun, “How did you . .how did you get that information?”

Day then pulled out the manila envelope and dropped it in the brunette’s lap. She pulled it out and looked at the contents. She was a little upset when she saw it wasn’t a receipt like Day had said. However, it was a small piece of paper and it said, “Jenny~ 143 East Cone Road,”. Kellye looked at him in disgust. “I’m not letting your partner commit suicide, you understand?” he scolded her.

“You should have told us this wasn’t a receipt, Edwin,” Kellye said, arming her pistol, “We should call for backup.”

“We can call for backup after we’ve investigated the place. This scum bag doesn’t attack in day light.”

“You should still have told us,” Kellye said, exiting the vehicle.

“File a complaint with the watch commander when we get back, “ He replied, kicking in the door.

Kellye followed him and checked the corners. The warehouse was dripping from previous cracks in the ceiling. Various trash and other remnants of vagrants adorned the area. Day looked around each side of the building. Behind the pillars were nothing but muddy puddles of water and rats scurrying from the light. Kellye continued on and then saw something stuck onto a pillar with a blade. The young detective walked toward it and saw that it was a People magazine. However, it wasn’t just any old issue; it was about them. The survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. She pulled it down and looked at. The picture on the lower right hand cover showed her and Jack hugging. There was a red marker circle around them. “Oh, man,” Kellye whispered.

“What you got?” Day asked.

Kellye walked up to him and showed him the People magazine. He looked at the cover and shook his head. “It would seem his attraction has fallen on Jenny,” the black detective whispered, “ Her way to trying to get his attention worked but for the wrong result.”

“You don’t know that. This could have been a trap.” Kellye mentioned.

“I already told you, that bastard doesn’t attack in daylig-“

Edwin as interrupted by a massive blade poking out of his chest. Kellye screamed the sight of it; as the blood splashing into her face. She quickly backed off, trying to get it out of her eyes. She heard Detective Day grunting from the wound and she knew Ortega was there. By the time, she managed to get some blurry vision; her friend had fallen to his knees. She held the gun in the position where Ortega was but by the time she held her gun up; he was already baring down with a drop kick. Kellye screamed as she heard her wrist break on impact.

She felt down and tried to get the other gun out of her ankle holster. By the time she pulled it up, Ortega had already grabbed it out of her hand. In one fluid motion, he flipped the gun around and pointed it at her forehead. Kellye slowly looked up at him. He looked like he was only above the age of 35. His hair was slick back; pure jet black. He had a mixture of a grin but he really looked annoyed more than anything. “Where is Jenny?” he asked.

“No where, you crazy bastard.” Kellye replied.

“The note was for Jenny. I invited her here. Why do you people have to screw these things up?”

“Whatever you are thinking of, you won’t get away with it.”

Kellye then grunted as he grabbed her by the throat and then pulled her upward. She grabbed his wrist and tried to breathe as he pulled her close to him. Ortega grinned like a maniac as he stared at her. “Whose gonna stop me, little girl?” he grinned, “You? If anybody can stop me, they’d have tried by now. Not you. Not the Jack of All Shades, either.”

Kellye opened her eyes and looked at him. The fact that he mentioned the vigilante meant they did know each other, and that cemented the theory that they were Jaeger Units. “Here is what you are going to do, girl,” he whispered in her ear, “You are going to tell Jenny I will be seeing her soon. Tell her I will make her be the hero she is destined to be.”

“What?” she grunted, “ What does that mean-“

Kellye was then hurled across the way and slammed into one of the wooden pillars; cracking it slightly. Ortega wiped his blade on a nearby bum’s blanket; and then proceeded to walk out of the warehouse. Kellye tried to keep from crying but it wasn’t easy. Her right hand wrist was broken and she was in a fare deal of pain. The fact that she was looking at the dead body of her ranking officer ten feet form her wasn’t helping. She grunted as she began to drag herself up toward Day. The wound in his chest was gushing blood but she fought not to look at it. She grunted as she took his radio from his belt and clicked it on. “Schroeder to dispatch, Schroeder to dispatch,” she said, over the radio.

“Copy that, verify for badge number.”

“26354, actual.” Kellye grunted from the pain.

“Go ahead, 26354.”

“Officer down, repeat, officer down.” She winced, “ One officer is DOA, the other officer is wounded.”

“What is your location?” the dispatch immediately asked.

“143 East Cone Road.” She said, wincing from the pain in her broken wrist, “Hurry . . .please.”

Kellye slid down next to the body of her superior officer. She was no longer within herself; she felt like she was back on the Island. She was knee deep in blood and sand against the Liberation. The scar on her upper forehead burned from the bullet wound she received. She had one brush of death and now she had a second. Kellye was never really able to deal with death; not since the loss of her brother.

The young officer finally started to cry in the abandoned warehouse, as she heard sirens in the distance.


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