Lost Fan Fiction

What about the people in the tail section?

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Location: Lawrenceville, Georgia, United States

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Part 96: Tony Versus Cedric

Tony grunted as the ground connected with his back and front. He jerked as he rolled down the hill, his cane banging him once in the thigh. Then he landed hard into a small creek area. The water was cold and splashed against him. Then he heard the landing of Cedric behind him. The blind doctor slowly stood up. He concentrated on his ability to hear, for it was the only thing that could save him. He knew he was alone and he didn’t know when McKay could get down the hill to help him.

Cedric wiped the water off of his face. He started to slowly move toward Tony. The blind doctor held his ground, holding his staff outward. He then made a swing and missed, feeling it connect to the air. He tried it again but didn’t hear it connect to anything. Cedric let out a slow chuckle over the blind’s man attempt to hit him. All this did was make Tony mad. “Are you laughing at me, you punk?” he grumbled.

The Cedric grabbed a rock and hurled it right at Tony. The blind doctor didn’t feel it coming cause it was moving so fast. It shattered on impact at the side of his head, exploding into smaller stones. The force of the blow sent him back against the slope by three feet. Cedric then jumped and grabbed Tony by the shirt. He then flipped him into the air, throwing him across the creek like a rolled up newspaper. Tony grunted as his back connected with the other slope, feeling the air leave his lungs. He was then upside down and his orientation was all wrong.

Then Cedric walked up and picked him up again. He then hurled him a little down the creek. Tony grunted as his arms, and knees connected with the riverbed rocks in the small water hole. The blind doctor leaned up and then collapsed. He had to come up with a plan. It would stand to reason that since Alexander was the leader of his tribe cause he was the strongest; the same applied to Cedric. But Tony was a soldier and he knew how to fight; blind or not. He decided to teach the savage boy a lesson from America.

It was called The Rope-A-Dope.

Tony laid perfectly still, holding his breath in the water. Cedric walked over to him. The blind man could hear his foot steps in the rocks. The young savage then grabbed Tony by the shoulder and started to turn him over. He still played possum as he flipped him. Then Tony sprung into actions, wrapping both his legs around Cedric’s legs. The former marine screamed as he tripped up the Black Faction leader, sending him onto the ground. Tony scrambled on top of him, reaching for his face. Cedric quickly wrapped his hands around the blind doctor’s throat and began to squeeze. Tony struggled for a few seconds longer.

Then plunged both his thumbs into Cedric’s eye sockets.

Cedric screamed, throwing Tony off of him. He screamed and screamed, holding his former eyes. The blind doctor quickly felt around for a weapon. He quietly thanked God that he found his cane soaking in the water. Tony stood up, listing to the young man scream. As long as he continued yelling, he knew exactly where he was. Tony then flung the metal staff down hard against the back of Cedric’s neck, bending it slightly. The young savage dropped like a stone into the water. “AIN’T SO FUNNY NOW, IS IT?” Tony screamed at him.

Tony stumbled around and dropped. His ribs hurt, his arms hurt and his knees hurt. But like his soldier ways taught him; he was thankful for the pain. It let him know he was still alive. Tony used the cane to help him up to his feet. He started to feel around, trying to make his way to the hill he came from. The bad news was his orientation was all messed up. He had no idea if it was the hill in front or behind him. But then he thought he heard something. He stopped moving and listened, evening rubbing his finger to make his ear pop so he could hear better. Then he heard what appeared to be a muffled screamed. “John?” he asked.

Tony made his way over to the hill where he heard the muffled yelling. He started to climb and climb, struggling to hold onto his cane. Feeling around, he used the small rooted trees and vines to pull him up. Then after a few minutes, he managed to reach the top of a steady plateau. He continued walking around, listening as the muffled cries got louder. “JOOHHHHNNNN!!!!” Tony screamed.

Then the muffled cries weren’t so muffled. He was certain he was hearing his friend calling his name. Tony then met up with a rock like wall. He started to trace it and follow it a long for several paces. Then it stopped and he followed it inside. He was certain he was in a cave. He continued to feel around the walls, then finding a rough section of rock and mud. “JOHN!” he screamed.

“TONY!” John screamed from behind the wall, “GET ME OUT!! PLEASE!!!”

Tony then knew exactly where he was. He then stepped back and began to ram his cane into the wall. He thrust forward, knocking the stones out of place. The blind man screamed with every lurch, knocking the rocks down. It was difficult but he managed to dislodge a few. “Hey!” John said much louder.

Tony stopped hitting the wall and reached over, feeling over any he knocked down. Then he stumbled upon his friend’s hand sticking from a hole near the top. He grabbed him and started to pull. “C’MON, JOHN!” Tony screamed, “Climb out!”

John screamed as he struggled up, feeling no strength within him. Freedom was within his reach and forced him to crawl toward the hole, with his friend pulling him on the other side. Once he was halfway, gravity did the rest. He stumbled forward and fell onto his blind friend. After they collected themselves, they leaned against the wall, taking deep breathes. John wiped the dirty smut from his face, tripping in sweat. He took in the precious air into his lungs. He pat Tony on the knee. “Thanks, man,.” He coughed, “I knew I could count on you.”

“Are you okay?” Tony asked.

“Yeah,” John chuckled, “I am fine now.”

Tony listened. He was a doctor and he could tell John was lying from the tone of his voice. “John,” he whispered, “You are not okay.”

“Tony, what do you mean?” John chuckled.

“You . .were buried alive,” the blind doctor whispered, “I can’t even imagine what horror you were thinking.”

John looked at his friend. Once again, his good friend knew him better than he knew himself. His thoughts came flooding back that he might have never seen Tony again, nor Mia, nor McKay or any of his family should he get off the island. He then started to squint up his face, feeling the tears swell his eyes. He was trying not to cry but he was failing easily. “Let it out, John,” Tony said, taking his arm, “Its okay.”

John then collapsed into his friend’s arm, crying up a storm. Indeed, he was buried alive and he was certain he was going to die. The fear was overwhelming and he felt as if his soul would break. He held it in but his friend told him it was okay to let it go. Tony held onto the archer as he cried in his arms. “I got ya,” he assured him, “I got ya, partner.”


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