Lost Fan Fiction

What about the people in the tail section?

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Location: Lawrenceville, Georgia, United States

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Part 92: Trapped in Darkness

John slowly opened his eyes. The pain in his head was incredible, couple with the unusual problem that he could barely breathe. The archer felt the sweat rolling down his face and nose. Once he was able to move, he slowly stood up, using the outer wall as support. John had to collect his thoughts and try to remember why it was so dark at that moment.

John walked forward and pumped into a wall. He then used his hands to feel around, finding one wall, then another, then another. The archer then began to panic, seeing he was trapped in the darkness. He felt of another wall but realize it didn’t go no longer than five feet. The outer walls felt rocky and course but the wall right in front of him felt like it was placed together, brick by brick.

He continued to examine the wall. The rocks were smaller and more evenly put together. There was a film between them. When John felt of it, it felt like dry mud. John had to think, get his mind to work. What was he doing that placed him in this situation?

Then he remembered the fight with Natasha. Then Mia meeting up with him later. Their kiss that they were finally able to have. Then she ran cause she wasn’t sure where the relationship would go. John gave chase and caught up with her. He promised her they would be find and then . . ..then he was struck from behind and knocked out. Then he woke up in this room.

John’s thoughts began to realize what had happened. It must have been the Black Faction. They were punishing him for what he did; killing one of their own. Did they hurt Mia? Was she alive? He was worried in the back of his mind they would come for him but he never imagined they would bury him alive.

The archer then slammed into one wall and began to slam into another. He wanted out! He wanted out now! John started to whimper, as he slammed his elbows into the surrounding walls, making them bleed slightly. He finally lost his strength, feeling it was harder and harder to breathe. He fell back against the wall and then slid down. John started to cry, realizing he was indeed buried alive. The Black Faction did plan on killing him but they wanted him to suffer first. He had no idea if the others were coming to help him or even if they knew where he was. As despair flooded his body, he felt he could do only one more thing.

He screamed in abject terror.


McKay let the way, holding Tony by the wrist. Seth and Brendon were right behind him, followed by Mia, Shanna, Jenny and then Martin. The group maneuvered through the jungle best they could, as the sun was setting. In a few moments, it would be completely dark out in the jungle. McKay, as always, was smart enough to bring every single flashlight they had. They only hoped they would get to John in time.

They past the waterfall and continued walking. They kept walking into the foliage, past the destruction caused by the Polliwog earlier. Tony had a thought keep in the back of his brain, wondering if the monster would help them again. Or rather, would it help HIM? It always seemed to appear when he needed the help. He wondered why that was but would think on it another time. He then heard a soft whimpering behind him. Shanna then said, “Don’t cry, Mia. We’ll get John back.”

“It’s my fault,” she wept.

“What?” Tony said, overhearing them.

“When I kissed John . . .I ran away . .it was just a game and he . .he chased me. Had I not gone that deep into the jungle, they wouldn’t have. . .”

“Stop, “the blind doctor order, making McKay stop with him.

He turned around and walked over to the sound of the crying. He reached out and gently took the young Lakota girl by the arms. “Mia, listen to me.” Tony said.

Mia looked up at the blind man.

“THIS . .is not your fault,” he said through gritted teeth, “It was them and them alone. They are the ones who did this. They took John from us and we will make them pay. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Tony,” she said, trying to stop crying.

“Hang in there, girl,” he smiled, patting her on the arms, “We’ll get John back. I promise you-“

The blind doctor was then interrupted by rumblings in the bushes. The small group turned around and listened. They heard multiple sounds of movements. In the distance, they could hear them running around and a few were even screaming small war cries. Shanna started to panic, not knowing what to do. “W-w-what are they doing?” she asked.

“They are trying to surround us,” Tony surmised.

“What do we do, Tony?” asked Seth.

“Split up,” he ordered, “We stay like this, we give them a target. We need to give them multiple targets. Take a partner and run into the jungle in opposite directions. Make no mistake you will engage them. Once you have defeated them, make your way back to the beach. McKay and I will continue to search for John.”

“And if we can’t beat them?” asked Martin.

“Then it was an honor to know you.” Tony said with absolute, “GO now!”

Mia then grabbed Shanna by the shirt and pulled her with her as they went into one direction. Brendon started to walk into another direction; Seth immediately following him. Tony and McKay continued to strode forward. Martin felt a tap on his arm, and seeing Jenny motioning that they go in the direction they were pointing. As he followed her, he muttered to himself.

“I shoulda stayed in New York.” He grunted.


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