Lost Fan Fiction

What about the people in the tail section?

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Location: Lawrenceville, Georgia, United States

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Part 197: Regroup and Deploy

The sun had risen and their friends were not back yet. Sayid and McKay had made an agreement that they would go find their friends if they didn’t return in an hour. To be on the safe side, they gave them two.

And they still didn’t show up.

McKay waited by the entrance to the cave for Sayid to return. He wanted to make sure he got something before they arrived. Within seconds, the Iraqi had returned with a silver case. He quickly put it down when he reached the Australian. The bald man watched him open the case to reveal two more guns. He quickly picked up one and handed it to him. “I won’t bother asking where you got these,” he said, remembering the day they shot Ethan.

“Thank you,” Sayid smiled, “I am glad someone is aware that asking questions will waste time.”

“Who gets the last one?”

“We shall see.” He said, picking up the case and walking into the cave.

The Iraqi walked into the cave and set the case down. “PLEASE, EVERYONE MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION.” Sayid called to them.

All the survivors were huddled together from the last evening. They were warned by a French woman that they should either run, hide or die at the hands of a mysterious group of men called The Others. They thought the danger had past when Sayid and the small group retrieved Claire’s baby. Judging by the look on the Middle Easterner’s face, it was possible that something else was happening. Sayid made sure everybody was calm before he spoke. “My friends, I know you are still concerned, “ he whispered, “We are concerned about the safety of our friends who went to secure us a hiding facility. They have not returned. McKay and I will venture forth to where we know they were headed. Before we go, we ask that anyone step forward who knows how to work a gun.”

“You think those guys will come here?” some woman asked.

“We do not know but we want to be cautious.”

Then a built man stepped forward; dressed in a simple white t-shirt. His hair was black and buzzed to his head. “I know how to use a gun.” He replied.

“Thank you, sir.” Sayid handed it to him, “May I know your name?”

“Hal Mancuso.” He said, taking his gun and shaking his hand.

“We can trust you to defend these people?” McKay asked.

“I can guarantee it. I swore an oath.”

“Oath?” Sayid blinked.

Hall then reached behind his pants and pulled out his wallet. He then opened it up to them. McKay squinted his eyes and saw that Hal was holding a badge. “San Francisco Police Department,” he smiled, “You’re a cop?”

“Lt. Detective actually,” he pointed out.

“Why did you not mention this before?” the Iraqi questioned.

“You and Jack were running things just fine,” he smiled, “We got plenty of Chiefs. You needed more Indians.”

McKay smiled at the man’s resolve. It wasn’t what he expected but it made sense. Sayid seemed to trust him as well. In time, Hal would prove himself just like anybody else. The Iraqi agreed that he could be trusted with the firearm. Seth then walked up his bald companion. “McKay, you need me to come with you?” he offered.

“No, I need you to stay here.” He quickly ordered.

“But I am good with a gun. You may need me.”

“I need you here, Seth,” McKay pointed to the other survivors, “ I need you to make sure our friends are safe. I know you are good with a sword and a gun. I need those skills to protect our friends.”

Seth lowered his head.

“Do you understand, boy?” he asked, touching his shoulder.

“Sure thing,” he agreed.

McKay turned and found Jenny standing nearby. The blonde motioned her hair out of her eyes looking at him. The Australian smiled at her. No words were needed as he already knew what to ask of her. “You can count on me too, McKay,” she smiled.

“Sayid, we need to go,” McKay told him.

McKay began to walk toward the distance of the cave exit. He turned to briefly look at Taylor. The blonde quickly blew a kiss his way. The Australian acted as if he caught it and then held it close to his heart. Sayid touched Seth on the shoulder as he past him. “If we are not back within two hours,” he ordered, “DO NOT coming looking for us. Save as many as you can.”

“Oh, is that all?” Seth massaged his cheek, not liking the heavy responsibility.

The two men then began their trek into the woods. They quickly exited the caves and turned to enter the woods. “SAYID!” Micheal screamed.

They both stopped abruptly. The Iraqi grew quickly worried as he wasn’t expecting to hear his black friends voice for some months. They saw Micheal and Jin stumbling forward with a wounded Sawyer. “Allah,” Sayid muttered under his breath.

“What the hell are you guys doing back here?” McKay ran to them.

“Cowboys bushwacked us. Didn’t get to the Mesa on time, sheriff.” Sawyer said, sweating profusely.

Sun saw her husband and ran to him. The two men struggled to get the wounded southern man into the caves. “How the hell . . .who shot him?” McKay demanded.

Jin began to spout something in Korean. Sun was flabbergasted and then grabbed McKay by the arm. “He said there were men dressed in army clothes in a boat,” she said, shocked, “They took Walt.”

“They . .took him?” Sayid said in awe.

Eddie stood up. He over heard that they said. Walt was in trouble, kidnapped by the bad men they were running from. Shannon held onto Vincent as the dog barked at Micheal. The black man slowly looked at the animal. He was amazed for a brief moment that Vincent could tell something was wrong when Walt didn’t come back with them. But it only lasted for a second. His main concern was to get his boy back but not freak. He still didn’t have any idea where to look. “MCKAY!” Yolanda called.

The Australian turned to see the black women running into the caves with two of the Red Faction kids in tow. “Yolanda, where did you find them?” McKay asked.

“They found us,” she panted, “Those bastards blew up the raft . . .if they weren’t out there in their fishing boat . .we would . . .be dead.”

Shanna then leaned up, recognizing the one of two twin sisters that was kind to her. “Flower?” she gently touched her shoulder.

“Shanna,” the lost girl wept as she embraced her friend.

“Darlin, what happened to you?” the red head held her, “Where is your sister?”

“McKay, ask them what they were doing out there,” the black woman pointed.

McKay quickly asked Andre in French what he was doing out in the ocean like that. He then spoke in the same tongue and McKay translated it as he spoke. “He and Flower were gathering fruit for their village,” he said, “They came back . . .and found everybody gone. The . .uh . .Guardian Wolf had been killed, and they already knew Alexander was fishing with Andra. When they went looking . . for him, he was not where to be found and they found Yolanda and the others afloat.”

“Merci, San Andres,” Sawyer moaned as he laid down.

“How you feeling, Sawyer?” McKay asked, walking over to him.

“Like . . .Like I a been shot!” he laughed.

“He’s losing blood,” Jenny checked his wound, “He is getting delirious.”

“Sure, ma,” He chuckled, “Whatever you say.”

“Jenny, head over to Tony’s stash.” McKay pointed, “Let’s hope he’s got any Augmentin left cause if he does, Sawyer will need the rest.”

McKay slowly removed the torn shirt. The wound was starting to get infected already, showing signs of yellow puss. The Australian was then reminded of when Tony healed himself. He jabbed a red hot end of a cane into his eye socket, calderizing the wound. The bald man sighed, realizing what he was going to have to do. He walked over to the side wall, picked up two of the short swords and then thrust the metal into the fire. Sayid looked at him. “You are going to seal his wound shut with red hot metal?” he asked.

“Both our doctors are vacant, Sayid,” he sighed, “Unless you got a better option.”

“Let’s get it on, McKay,” Sawyer said, “that way you and me can have the same scars.”

“Hang in there, redneck,” he looked down at him, “I will patch you up shortly.”

“Boogers at twelve o’clock high,” Sawyer muttered.

“Can we gag him?” Jenny grunted.

“Tora, Tora, Tora,” he winced again.

“So, McKay, you guys . . .looked like you were heading out?” Micheal leaned up.

“We were on our way to check on Jack, Tony and the others,” he mentioned, “They haven’t come back yet.”

“You think Those . . .Others might have gotten them too?”

“We don’t know.” He admitted.

The black man then stood up and looked him directly in the eye. “Whatever the plan . .I am with you.” He assured him.

McKay nodded his head in agreement. The man had just lost his son; he wasn’t about to argue with him. Plus now that they had more people it might make it easier to locate them. The Australian then kneeled down as Jenny handed him the remains of the Augmentin; which turned out to be only three pills. He hoped it would be enough to save the southern man once he sealed his wound. He thought for a second the redneck might not make it but at least his spirits were up.

He was busy making a bat shadow puppet with his hands, singing the Batman theme.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Cindy Floyd and i would like to show you my personal experience with Augmentin.

I suffered from Pseudofolliculitis behind my head for years and by chance I got Augmentin from Libya without any prescription. In Europe all the doctors that I consulted could not find solution for this problem so one day I just worked into a pharmacy in Libya and showed it to the Doctor in charge of the pharmacy who adviced me to take Augmentin. I was a bit hesitant but before my returning date (after 5 days) I noticed that all the bumps are drying. and now I'm very proud of my head.

Side Effects :
None…Miracle drug…

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Cindy Floyd

Augmentin Side Effects

2:51 PM  

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