Lost Fan Fiction

What about the people in the tail section?

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Location: Lawrenceville, Georgia, United States

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Part 196: Welcome to the Liberation

The sunlight began to seep through the top jungle canopy. The group had been towed by the giant called Texas for over two hours. They had no idea how long they were out there in the jungle but from the rising sun, it was becoming day break. Locke looked around at all the Liberation members. He didn’t know what was going on and felt he had no way to convince them. He truly didn’t know how the things in the hatch knew his name. And who was this Raven person?

Then the soldiers began to go down-hill. As they crossed through the remains of the clearing, they had arrived at some kind of outpost. John looked around; the area was cleared out forceably. He could tell from the tree stumps. What confused him was that the buildings looked incredibly old, like 30 to 40 years old. Jack held onto his rope, worried about the safety of his friends. As they were escorted into the main center of the outpost, more soldiers began to come out of the wood work. They all looked scruffy; like they hadn’t bathed in days. Frakes motioned for Texas to stop and the albino did. “Line them up.” He ordered.

The soldiers began to push their prisoners forward to form a side-by-side row. Marita was scared out of her mind. She wanted Tony to tell her everything was going to be all right. But she didn’t know if speaking might get her into trouble. She tried to remain calm but then she couldn’t when she looked up.

And several kids swaying from nooses in the distance.

Marita then led out a bloodcurdling scream at the sight. She dove into Tony’s arms, and the blind man instantly held onto her. “Marita, what’s wrong?” Tony asked.

John looked into the distance as the large tree that had the hanging children. The archer had immediately recognized a few of them and the remaining red bandanas confirmed who they are. “Sweet Jesus, Tony,” the archer was thrown back, “They hanged . . .the Red Faction kids.”

“Hanged them?” the blind doctor was shocked.

“Oh, my god,” Kate wept. She didn’t know the Red Faction but she could plainly see they were just kids.

“Dude, I am gonna hurl,” Hurley moaned.

“ALL OF YOU, SHUT UP!” Frakes ordered.

Locke looked to the soldier and then saw movement into the distance. A tall blonde man was walking out of a nearby shack, holding an old woman by the arm. As they approached, the bald man could noticed that the old woman was blind. Her eyes looked like they had been burned shut. The mere sight of it sent shivers down his spine. The blonde man looked like he was the leader, judging from the swagger in his step. The blonde man crossed his arms, staring at them. “Welcome to the Liberation,” he smiled, “My name is Belmont. I am in charge here. As long as you give us your complete cooperation, you will not be harmed.”

“Who are you people?” asked Jack, “You have no right to hold us-“

“Please, sir,” the leader stopped him, “You are not in a position to order me to do anything. I make the rules here.”

“Belmont, “ Locke piped in, “These people are not the ones you want. It’s me. Let them go.”

“Oh?” the blonde man was taken by surprised from Locke’s statement.

“He speaks the truth in that one, sir,” Frakes stepped up to him, “Those things at the Hatch knew his name. Strangest thing I had ever seen.”

Belmont turned to the old woman, “Is it true, Cassandra? Is he the one?”

The old woman stepped forward. She walked until she got in front of Locke. The old crone leaned forward and got directly in his face, making the bald man look away. She leaned in and took a whiff of him. “Yes, “ she whispered, “he is the one.”

“Excellent, take him to-“

Cassandra then immediately walked down the line and stopped in front of Tony. Due to her smell and strange breathing, he immediately knew she was in front of him. “So is he.” She whispered.

“Excuse me?” asked Belmont.

“I thought you said there was only one extraordinary person out there?” asked Frakes.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Tony pointed out.

“He has the stink of Smoke about him.” The old woman hissed.

Belmont rubbed his blond beard, looking at Tony. He remembered they had weird readings emitting from a mobile source that seemed to have the Security Systems drawn to it. Could the blind doctor be that source?

Cassandra then continued to walk down the line. She walked past John and Jack, then stopped at Mia, facing down toward her. The Lakota girl shied away, as the old woman faced her in confusion. “I don’t know.” She whispered.

“Wait a damn minute!” Frakes pointed out, “Are you saying SHE is one too?”

“I said, I don’t know!” she grunted back.

Cassandra then walked up to Hurley. The big man held his breath; he was always on the verge of vomiting and the woman’s stench didn’t help matters. Again, the old crone faced him in a weird mixture of confusion and concern. “He is like the girl, “ she pointed out, “The feeling is there . . .very faint but it’s there. I don’t know.”

“Two bonafides and two possible, “ Frakes faced his superior officer, “ What does this mean, sir?”

“Seems like Fate to me. These two may be the ones we are looking for in order to understand this place.”

“Belmont, I promise you. The old woman doesn’t know what she is talking about,” Locke urged him, “Let the others go and I will remain behind.”

“Locke, shut up.” Jack grunted.

Belmont smirked and approached the bald man. “A brave offer, Mr. Locke,” he grinned, “But unfortunately too late. Your friends have already seen our camp. They must stay. Besides, I was only expecting to find one of you. I didn’t know I would receive four.”

“Four what?”

“Four connectors the Island.” Belmont smiled, “well . . .five if you count the boy.”

“Boy?” Tony immediately panicked.

“Yes, the young black boy that our man Kreegan retrieved last night.”

“You got Walt?” Locke grunted.

“He’s an extraordinary boy with extraordinary gifts. No reason he should waste them. He will serve us well.”

“Serve you?” the older man was getting upset, “Like . . .like a slave?”

“Oh, don’t be so crude, Mr. Locke. Young Walt will eventually see the light and join us. It’s only a matter of time.”

Locke then rushed Belmont trying to grab at his throat. Before he had the chance, Texas grabbed him by the shoulder and shoved him back. The bald man grunted as he landed on the ground hard. Kate was worried what was about to happen. Belmont then strode up and leaned over to make sure Locke could see his face. “You have a bit of fire in you, sir,” he grinned, “Good. You will need it.”

Belmont then turned around and began to walk back toward his shack, barking orders. “Bring Locke to my office, “ he said, then stopped at a amber haired woman, “Pristine?”

“Yes, sir?” she replied.

“The blind man is yours.” He replied.

“Thank you, sir,” she motioned to two of the soldiers, “Take him to the interrogation room.”

“Interro . . “ John grunted, “Like hell you will!”

One of the soldiers then slammed his butt end of his rifle into the archer’s head, making him collapse. “JOHN!” Mia screamed.

The soldiers then began to cut their bonds. Three of the men stood next to Tony. Marita started to cry; she wasn’t sure if she would ever seen Tony again. Then she looked up at him in shock, as he was motioning his head as if he was saying NO. They had become so close in the past month and a week, that she was starting to understand how he was thinking. He didn’t want her to cry; for what reason, she didn’t know. As they began to escort him away, he mouthed the words I love you. Marita held her tongue, trying not to scream. She prayed they wouldn’t hurt him.

Locke began to be carried away by Texas toward a shack in the distance. Two more soldiers escorted the blind man toward another building at the far end of the makeshift outpost. The rest were being moved toward another end of the area, toward a metal bunker near the trees that had the hanging kids.

Hurley didn’t look at the bodies of the Red Faction, afraid he was going to pass out. One of the soldiers unlocked the door to the bunker and opened it. The large man looked down and didn’t see a stair way but a slope leading about four feet down. Before he could grab onto anything, they shoved him forward making him stumble. Hurley grunted as he landed against the bottom floor. “That wasn’t necessary,” Mia scolded one of them.

“Get it or you will be pushed too,” the soldier held the barrel at her face.

Mia slowly skidded down the slope, followed by Jack then by Kate. John held the back of his head, and glared at the soldier. The Liberator seemed to smirk at the archer’s defiance. John then scooted down the slope and joined the others. The moment he was down, they closed the door and locked it. Mia embraced her boyfriend as they stood together in the room, only lit with sunlight. Kate tried her best to maintain her composure. “What are we going to do?” she whispered.

“No reason to freak now,” a voice came from the corner, “They will be plenty of time for that later.”

The group turned to the voice behind them. They turned to see a young Latina woman leaning against the wall. Her shirt was dirty and one of her pants legs was torn off. She winked and pointed toward Jack. “Uh, Jack right?” she winked, “42f.”

Jack was flabbergasted. He had forgotten her name but he remembered her flirting with him at the bar.

What was she doing here?


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