Part 457: The Assault at The Largos
3:11 pm
Tony continued his labor in the backyard. He and Marita purchased this home in the suburbs three weeks ago. He admitted it wasn’t all that great from the beginning but Marita said it was in the perfect neighborhood and fixing it up would give it character. The one-eyed doctor laughed to himself about how his wife could pretty much convince him to do anything. So their two story home had become their “fixer-upper” and they had begun it’s reinivations. Tony had spent the weekend working on the rotten stump that was in the backyard; hacking it away a piece at a time. It kept his mind off of things.
The doctor was worried about the young man he had come to view as a son. Eddie had arrived three days ago in the late of the night, claiming he met someone as the reincarnation of Ethan Rom. Tony yelled at him, telling him he needed to let the Island go. It was a hard time for all of them; Eddie most of all. He admitted he was a little harsh on Eddie, and had no heard from him all weekend. He figured he’d give him space as he needed to find his “proof”. The tired doctor half hoped Eddie would find something and half hoped he wouldn’t. Tony really wanted to put the past behind them.
Then a noise caught his attention. He heard something break, like a plate from within his house. Even though he had one good eye, his razor sharp senses he kept from Watchman were still with him. He looked into the house and noticed a shadowy shape move past the window. He couldn’t tell if it was Marita or not. The doctor decided to take a break and check on his wife. He was sure it was nothing but sometimes, past paranoia stays with a person. He continued toward the house; leaving his shirt behind but carried the axe for no particular reason.
He stepped up to the back porch and slowly slid the sliding glass door to the left. “Marita?” he called.
Tony wasn’t sure but he heard a muffled sound. It sounded like someone trying to talk but not allowed too. The doctor held the axe in his hand loosely as he walked into the kitchen. On the floor was indeed a broken plate. He then looked into the living room wondering why the lights were off. He then maneuvered into the hallway and walked toward the living room. The doctor then gasped at the sight of four armed intruders holding Marita hostage. Tony wasn’t sure what could be done, all he had was an axe. “WHAT DO YOU WANT?” he screamed as he took a step closer.
The woman in the shadows then calmly unhosited a pistol and placed it against Marita’s temple. “Put the axe down, doctor,” she whispered, “Or your wife dies.”
Tony looked at the woman, who he couldn’t tell because of the darkness. Tony looked at Marita who was scared out of her mind. Her eyes flashed that he shouldn’t give up but however, Tony didn’t see any where out of the present situation. He then flopped the axe down on the carpet. Two of the men then rushed over and grabbed his arms; forcing him down on his knees. Tony grunted as he landed on his knees, then Marita was forced onto her knees as well. The woman then holstered her pistol and walked out of the darkness. She was a woman that had an exotic beauty about her; possibly mixed German or Russian heritage. “Hello, Dr. Largo,” she smiled, “I’ve so wanted to meet you.”
“Who are you?” Tony demanded.
“My name is Leann. In case you haven’t figured it out, I work for the Liberation.”
“Oh, my God.” Marita whispered.
“How did you find us?” the doctor asked.
“It wasn’t easy. The Liberation exchanges information very slowly, makes certain . . .governments hard to find us. The ironic part is we didn’t find you first; Dharma did and we found Dharma shortly thereafter.”
“D . .Dharma?” Tony gulped, “Oh, God . . .Eddie . . .”
“You can worry about your protégé later,” Lean said, kneeling down slightly, “I have one question to ask you.”
“What have you done to Eddie?”
Leann then leaned up and slammed her boot into Tony’s face. He grunted and rolled with the blood; a small trickle of blood escaping his lower lip. Marita cried a bit, seeing her husband in pain. Leann grabbed his hair and forced him to look at her. “I’m asking the question here, you son of a bitch,” she hissed, “Now . . .did you or did you not kill Henry Belmont?”
Tony blinked with his good eye. He remembered the second in command of the Liberation group that was on the Island. He was there when the Polliwog ribbed him to pieces. Tony took a deep breath and wondered if she would believe the actual truth. “No, I didn’t kill him.” He whispered.
Leann then pulled out a small blade and gently let it glide on Tony’s cheek. It slowly worked it’s way toward his good eye. “PLEASE, DON’T!” Marita screamed, fearing the woman was going to make Tony blind again.
Leann briefly looked toward the Latina then back to the one-eyed doctor. “Liar, liar, your pants on fire.” She smiled, with an almost evil glee,” According to my reports you were the last person to be with him before he was . . .ripped into small chunks, so I asked again, did you or did you not kill Belmont?”
“What is this about?” Tony demanded, “I mean . . .what the hell was Belmont to you?”
Leann stared at him, a slow tear forming in her right eye. She then put the blade down and removed the glove on her left hand. She then calmly held up her fingers in front of Tony. The doctor paused and then raised his eyebrows at the sight of the golden wedding band on her finger. “Henry . . .was everything to me.” She whispered through gritted teeth.
“You’re . . .you’re his wife?” Tony gasped.
“Widow, actually,” she said, putting her glove back on.
“Leann . . listen to me . . .I didn’t kill Belmont, the Polliwog did.”
“The Polliwog?” she said with a slight glance of skepticism.
“Actually, it’s given name was Monstro . . but we called the Polliwog and it . . .well, it never liked the Liberation to begin with. It attacked Belmont and did that to him.”
“What?” he jerked, “What do you mean, why? I don’t know.”
“No, you do.” She hissed, “I read people well, Dr. Largo. Now why did the Polliwog attack my husband?”
“I . .I don’t know what to tell you!” he gasped.
Leann then walked over to Marita and grabbed her by the hair. She then shoved the knife tip closer to her eye, making a small mark in her cheek. The pregnant woman cried, at the fear. “TELL ME, LARGO!!!” Leann demanded, “Or I’ll make sure you and your wife have something in common.”
Tony looked at the woman and felt helpless. It wasn’t a feeling that he enjoyed but he could take any pain given to him. He couldn’t bear the though of her stabbing Marita in the eye. He took a deep breath as a tear fell down from his good eye. “It was defending me.” He whispered.
Leann let go of Marita and walked back to Tony. The woman holstered her blade and stared down on him with a smile. “I found Pristine’s tape recorder journal,” she whispered, “She mentioned that your electromagnetic signature was unique; That this . . .monster . .was attracted to it. Whatever. I don’t understand it but I do know this . . .you are responsible for my husband’s death and that’s all I care about.”
“Please . . .” Tony whispered, “Do whatever you want to me but leave my wife alone.”
“On the contrary, doctor,” she said, grabbing his face, “You’ve made me suffer as a wife and now I’ll make your wife suffer as well.”
Tony struggled to break her grasp but the other two men were stronger. Leann stared into his eye with pure hatred. “I thought of many ways of hurting you on the way over here.” She whispered through her gritted teeth, “I thought I would take out your other eye after I killed your wife.”
Tony grunted, forcing the two men to hold him down even tighter.
“However, I came up with the appropriate solution. I will kill you and before you die, I wanted you to go to Hell with the knowledge that I’m going to sell your wife into the slave trade in South America.”
“I’LL KILL YOU, WHORE!!” Tony tried to get at her.
Leann backed off as the men held onto him. Marita was crying heavily, not sure if they could get out of this dilemma. Before anything else could happen, a cell phone began to ring. The woman in charge pulled out her small device and answered it. “What is it, Linus?” she asked.
Tony stared at her. Who was Linus?
“Yes, I am with that person right now.” Leann whispered, “I see . . .yes, that’s fine . . .No, I’m sure we can handle it . . Yes, very well. I’m on my way in 4 minutes.”
Leann closed the phone. She stared at Tony one last time. She then calmly walked over and spit in his face. The doctor grunted, as the spittal slid down his cheek. “Change of plans, boys.” She smiled, “The others are not appearing to be so kind to die as they should. I’m going to go check it out. So . ..take him down to the garage and kill him. Violently. Make sure she can hear it.”
“NO!” Marita screamed.
Tony then grunted as the men started to pull him away. Marita stared at her husband as they started to pull him away and take him down to the basement workshop. Leann then walked over and grabbed the Latina by the face. She stared up at the evil woman with tears flowing out of her eyes. “You’re going to make a southern American drug lord a happy man.” The dark haired woman whispered.
Leann then threw her face to the side. “When they are done, bring her along,” she said, walking out of the house, “I’ll be at Hanso.”
“Yes, mistress.” The soldier replied.
Marita started to hyperventilate. She couldn’t see Tony any more but he was struggling. She could hear him. She closed her eyes and prayed to God that they would get a miracle to get out of this problem.
Tony fought with all his strength that he could. He had been working all morning to remove the rotten tree stump in the back so he was exhausted. One of the soldiers then slammed his fist into the doctor’s kidney. The pain made him collapse onto all fours. The other soldier then slammed his boot into his side. Tony grunted, wishing he had the strength to beat them. But he was just in plain clothes and his gun was all the way up stairs. One the soldiers then laughed as he picked up a nearby chainsaw. Tony heard him trying to start it, as Leann had ordered him to die violently.
The one eyed doctor then took the opportunity to slam his foot into the soldier’s privates. As he collapsed, Tony grabbed a loose monkey wrench and slammed it into his head; making blood spray like a water balloon. The other soldier then grabbed Tony from around his arms, trying to bring him back. The doctor screamed and grunted; refusing to die at their hands. He the soldier then flung him around toward the workshop desk. This allowed Tony to grab the chain saw himself.
Upstairs Marita could feel her heart beating out of her chest. She was half-worried that all the excitement would cause her to have a miscarriage. The other half was obviously worried about her husband. Then she heard the sound of a chain saw and lots of screaming. The other soldier turned toward the door and laughed. The Latina then felt her vision go blurry and her brain turn cold. Marita then collapsed onto the carpet, fainted away. The soldier then looked down at the passed out woman and began to think vulgar thoughts.
He then placed his rifle on the side and began to unbuckle his pants. He paused when heard the lower rumbled of a chain saw behind him. “Hey, Marko, I hope that wasn’t too messy down there,” the soldier laughed, pulling down his pants, “Do you need a change of clothes?”
“No, he doesn’t.” Tony whispered.
“OH, CRAP!” the soldier screamed as he turned to find the bloody doctor hovering in darkness.

The next thing he saw was the chainsaw blade slammed down on his face.
Marita slowly opened her eyes. She was in the passenger side of her SUV vehicle; the window was down, blowing on her face. She slowly massaged her head, feeling like a bad migraine was coming on. Then the hand of her husband appeared before her with a bottled of Advil. “The blood left your head,” he told her, “it’s a typical side effect of fainting, to get light headed and a headache.”
“TONY!” she screamed as she embraced him, crying.
“It’s okay, Marita. It’s okay. You’re safe now.” He whispered as he held onto her with one hand and the steering wheel with the other.
“But . .but those men . . I heard a chainsaw . .”
“That was me.” He sighed.
“You?” she then parted back from him, noticing his change of clothes and the slight smudges of red on his face and arms.
“Sorry, Rita.” He winced, “I didn’t have a chance to choose a better weapon.”
“No, it’s . . .never mind. I’m just thrilled you are alive,” she said, scoffing down three Advil, “I don’t care how you killed those men, just that you killed them. They had no right to come back into our lives, Tony!”
“You don’t need to tell me that, baby,” he said, as he cut a corner, “But apparently, the situation is much worse.”
“What? What do you mean?” she asked.
Tony held up her cell phone. “While you were past out and I was . . .getting the blood off of me, we got a call,” he whispered, “It was an automated message that just said the word SIT three times.”
“SIT?” Marita then gasped, “That’s . . .that’s Locke’s program he mentioned!”
“Yeah, which means . . .this isn’t just happening to us.”
Marita then paused as they cut a quick corner, making another car blow it’s horn at them. The Latina then recognized the trees and houses of the suburbs they were in; she had visited many times as Eddie was growing up. “Eddie’s house?” she asked, “Is he okay?”
“I don’t know.” Tony said, turning a corner, “I’ve been calling him for the past 14 minutes but no answer . . “
Tony and Marita finally arrived at the Trascal home. They first noticed that Turk was no in the drive way but more black SUV’s were. Those were the same vehicles the Liberation came to at their home. The Latina then grabbed her husband by the arm and then pointed to the main window of the house. They could see shadowy figures fighting a solo figure in the house. The doctor quickly grabbed his pistol and darted out of his car. “TONY!” she screamed, “BE CAREFUL!!”
Tony didn’t have time to reply. He quickly ran through the front yard toward the front door. When he reached it, he kicked it open with his foot; surprising the three men in there. He then opened fire on all of them, sending two down on at a time. He quickly turned to the third man as he was trying to stab someone through the neck. Tony didn’t hesitate as he put a bullet into the back of his head. The Liberator’s forehead exploded in a wet gush over the side wall as he collapse. “HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!” someone screamed.
Tony blinked with his good eye. He quickly noticed the voice was NOT Eddie’s. As he looked to the poor boy scrambling out from under the body, he immediately saw it was his adoptive son’s best friend. “Tristan?” Tony whispered.
The young Asian boy quickly wiped the blood out of his eyes and looked up. “Dr. Largo, what . ..the HELL . . . . is going on?” he stammered.
“Where is Eddie?” Tony asked.
“I don’t know! I hadn’t heard from him and I’ve been calling him all weekend. When I drove by to see why he missed school . . .these guys were here and they . . .THEY FREAKING TRIED TO KILL ME!!!”
“Wait, wait, Tristan . . You’ve been calling Eddie . . .all weekend?”
The Japanese boy wiped his eyes finally clear. “Yeah. Do you know where he is?” he asked.
Tony grunted in frustration. “Damn it. They have him.” He whispered.
“Who has him?” Tristan asked, still freaking out.
“Tristan, come with me,” the doctor grabbed him by the arm, “I’ll explain everything later.”
“But . . .but . .shouldn’t we wait for the cops?”
“I’m sorry, son but the cops can’t protect us. Not from them.”
“Where’s Eddie?” Marita called to them as they ran to her.
“They have him. Dharma.” Tony said, shoving Tristan in the back.
“Tony, what do we do?” the Latina said, sitting down in her passenger seat.
“We do just what Locke said. We regroup.”
Tony reached over into the glove compartment and pulled out a white envelope marked SIT. He quickly tore it open and looked it. It’s contents was an instructional direction list, plus a map leading to the famous beach house he’d heard about.
“Vatigo Beach,” Tony said, putting it into drive, “Hopefully all our friends will be there.”
“And if they are not?” Marita asked.
“Then there will be hell to pay.” The doctor whispered.
Tony continued his labor in the backyard. He and Marita purchased this home in the suburbs three weeks ago. He admitted it wasn’t all that great from the beginning but Marita said it was in the perfect neighborhood and fixing it up would give it character. The one-eyed doctor laughed to himself about how his wife could pretty much convince him to do anything. So their two story home had become their “fixer-upper” and they had begun it’s reinivations. Tony had spent the weekend working on the rotten stump that was in the backyard; hacking it away a piece at a time. It kept his mind off of things.
The doctor was worried about the young man he had come to view as a son. Eddie had arrived three days ago in the late of the night, claiming he met someone as the reincarnation of Ethan Rom. Tony yelled at him, telling him he needed to let the Island go. It was a hard time for all of them; Eddie most of all. He admitted he was a little harsh on Eddie, and had no heard from him all weekend. He figured he’d give him space as he needed to find his “proof”. The tired doctor half hoped Eddie would find something and half hoped he wouldn’t. Tony really wanted to put the past behind them.
Then a noise caught his attention. He heard something break, like a plate from within his house. Even though he had one good eye, his razor sharp senses he kept from Watchman were still with him. He looked into the house and noticed a shadowy shape move past the window. He couldn’t tell if it was Marita or not. The doctor decided to take a break and check on his wife. He was sure it was nothing but sometimes, past paranoia stays with a person. He continued toward the house; leaving his shirt behind but carried the axe for no particular reason.
He stepped up to the back porch and slowly slid the sliding glass door to the left. “Marita?” he called.
Tony wasn’t sure but he heard a muffled sound. It sounded like someone trying to talk but not allowed too. The doctor held the axe in his hand loosely as he walked into the kitchen. On the floor was indeed a broken plate. He then looked into the living room wondering why the lights were off. He then maneuvered into the hallway and walked toward the living room. The doctor then gasped at the sight of four armed intruders holding Marita hostage. Tony wasn’t sure what could be done, all he had was an axe. “WHAT DO YOU WANT?” he screamed as he took a step closer.
The woman in the shadows then calmly unhosited a pistol and placed it against Marita’s temple. “Put the axe down, doctor,” she whispered, “Or your wife dies.”
Tony looked at the woman, who he couldn’t tell because of the darkness. Tony looked at Marita who was scared out of her mind. Her eyes flashed that he shouldn’t give up but however, Tony didn’t see any where out of the present situation. He then flopped the axe down on the carpet. Two of the men then rushed over and grabbed his arms; forcing him down on his knees. Tony grunted as he landed on his knees, then Marita was forced onto her knees as well. The woman then holstered her pistol and walked out of the darkness. She was a woman that had an exotic beauty about her; possibly mixed German or Russian heritage. “Hello, Dr. Largo,” she smiled, “I’ve so wanted to meet you.”
“Who are you?” Tony demanded.
“My name is Leann. In case you haven’t figured it out, I work for the Liberation.”
“Oh, my God.” Marita whispered.
“How did you find us?” the doctor asked.
“It wasn’t easy. The Liberation exchanges information very slowly, makes certain . . .governments hard to find us. The ironic part is we didn’t find you first; Dharma did and we found Dharma shortly thereafter.”
“D . .Dharma?” Tony gulped, “Oh, God . . .Eddie . . .”
“You can worry about your protégé later,” Lean said, kneeling down slightly, “I have one question to ask you.”
“What have you done to Eddie?”
Leann then leaned up and slammed her boot into Tony’s face. He grunted and rolled with the blood; a small trickle of blood escaping his lower lip. Marita cried a bit, seeing her husband in pain. Leann grabbed his hair and forced him to look at her. “I’m asking the question here, you son of a bitch,” she hissed, “Now . . .did you or did you not kill Henry Belmont?”
Tony blinked with his good eye. He remembered the second in command of the Liberation group that was on the Island. He was there when the Polliwog ribbed him to pieces. Tony took a deep breath and wondered if she would believe the actual truth. “No, I didn’t kill him.” He whispered.
Leann then pulled out a small blade and gently let it glide on Tony’s cheek. It slowly worked it’s way toward his good eye. “PLEASE, DON’T!” Marita screamed, fearing the woman was going to make Tony blind again.
Leann briefly looked toward the Latina then back to the one-eyed doctor. “Liar, liar, your pants on fire.” She smiled, with an almost evil glee,” According to my reports you were the last person to be with him before he was . . .ripped into small chunks, so I asked again, did you or did you not kill Belmont?”
“What is this about?” Tony demanded, “I mean . . .what the hell was Belmont to you?”
Leann stared at him, a slow tear forming in her right eye. She then put the blade down and removed the glove on her left hand. She then calmly held up her fingers in front of Tony. The doctor paused and then raised his eyebrows at the sight of the golden wedding band on her finger. “Henry . . .was everything to me.” She whispered through gritted teeth.
“You’re . . .you’re his wife?” Tony gasped.
“Widow, actually,” she said, putting her glove back on.
“Leann . . listen to me . . .I didn’t kill Belmont, the Polliwog did.”
“The Polliwog?” she said with a slight glance of skepticism.
“Actually, it’s given name was Monstro . . but we called the Polliwog and it . . .well, it never liked the Liberation to begin with. It attacked Belmont and did that to him.”
“What?” he jerked, “What do you mean, why? I don’t know.”
“No, you do.” She hissed, “I read people well, Dr. Largo. Now why did the Polliwog attack my husband?”
“I . .I don’t know what to tell you!” he gasped.
Leann then walked over to Marita and grabbed her by the hair. She then shoved the knife tip closer to her eye, making a small mark in her cheek. The pregnant woman cried, at the fear. “TELL ME, LARGO!!!” Leann demanded, “Or I’ll make sure you and your wife have something in common.”
Tony looked at the woman and felt helpless. It wasn’t a feeling that he enjoyed but he could take any pain given to him. He couldn’t bear the though of her stabbing Marita in the eye. He took a deep breath as a tear fell down from his good eye. “It was defending me.” He whispered.
Leann let go of Marita and walked back to Tony. The woman holstered her blade and stared down on him with a smile. “I found Pristine’s tape recorder journal,” she whispered, “She mentioned that your electromagnetic signature was unique; That this . . .monster . .was attracted to it. Whatever. I don’t understand it but I do know this . . .you are responsible for my husband’s death and that’s all I care about.”
“Please . . .” Tony whispered, “Do whatever you want to me but leave my wife alone.”
“On the contrary, doctor,” she said, grabbing his face, “You’ve made me suffer as a wife and now I’ll make your wife suffer as well.”
Tony struggled to break her grasp but the other two men were stronger. Leann stared into his eye with pure hatred. “I thought of many ways of hurting you on the way over here.” She whispered through her gritted teeth, “I thought I would take out your other eye after I killed your wife.”
Tony grunted, forcing the two men to hold him down even tighter.
“However, I came up with the appropriate solution. I will kill you and before you die, I wanted you to go to Hell with the knowledge that I’m going to sell your wife into the slave trade in South America.”
“I’LL KILL YOU, WHORE!!” Tony tried to get at her.
Leann backed off as the men held onto him. Marita was crying heavily, not sure if they could get out of this dilemma. Before anything else could happen, a cell phone began to ring. The woman in charge pulled out her small device and answered it. “What is it, Linus?” she asked.
Tony stared at her. Who was Linus?
“Yes, I am with that person right now.” Leann whispered, “I see . . .yes, that’s fine . . .No, I’m sure we can handle it . . Yes, very well. I’m on my way in 4 minutes.”
Leann closed the phone. She stared at Tony one last time. She then calmly walked over and spit in his face. The doctor grunted, as the spittal slid down his cheek. “Change of plans, boys.” She smiled, “The others are not appearing to be so kind to die as they should. I’m going to go check it out. So . ..take him down to the garage and kill him. Violently. Make sure she can hear it.”
“NO!” Marita screamed.
Tony then grunted as the men started to pull him away. Marita stared at her husband as they started to pull him away and take him down to the basement workshop. Leann then walked over and grabbed the Latina by the face. She stared up at the evil woman with tears flowing out of her eyes. “You’re going to make a southern American drug lord a happy man.” The dark haired woman whispered.
Leann then threw her face to the side. “When they are done, bring her along,” she said, walking out of the house, “I’ll be at Hanso.”
“Yes, mistress.” The soldier replied.
Marita started to hyperventilate. She couldn’t see Tony any more but he was struggling. She could hear him. She closed her eyes and prayed to God that they would get a miracle to get out of this problem.
Tony fought with all his strength that he could. He had been working all morning to remove the rotten tree stump in the back so he was exhausted. One of the soldiers then slammed his fist into the doctor’s kidney. The pain made him collapse onto all fours. The other soldier then slammed his boot into his side. Tony grunted, wishing he had the strength to beat them. But he was just in plain clothes and his gun was all the way up stairs. One the soldiers then laughed as he picked up a nearby chainsaw. Tony heard him trying to start it, as Leann had ordered him to die violently.
The one eyed doctor then took the opportunity to slam his foot into the soldier’s privates. As he collapsed, Tony grabbed a loose monkey wrench and slammed it into his head; making blood spray like a water balloon. The other soldier then grabbed Tony from around his arms, trying to bring him back. The doctor screamed and grunted; refusing to die at their hands. He the soldier then flung him around toward the workshop desk. This allowed Tony to grab the chain saw himself.
Upstairs Marita could feel her heart beating out of her chest. She was half-worried that all the excitement would cause her to have a miscarriage. The other half was obviously worried about her husband. Then she heard the sound of a chain saw and lots of screaming. The other soldier turned toward the door and laughed. The Latina then felt her vision go blurry and her brain turn cold. Marita then collapsed onto the carpet, fainted away. The soldier then looked down at the passed out woman and began to think vulgar thoughts.
He then placed his rifle on the side and began to unbuckle his pants. He paused when heard the lower rumbled of a chain saw behind him. “Hey, Marko, I hope that wasn’t too messy down there,” the soldier laughed, pulling down his pants, “Do you need a change of clothes?”
“No, he doesn’t.” Tony whispered.
“OH, CRAP!” the soldier screamed as he turned to find the bloody doctor hovering in darkness.

The next thing he saw was the chainsaw blade slammed down on his face.
Marita slowly opened her eyes. She was in the passenger side of her SUV vehicle; the window was down, blowing on her face. She slowly massaged her head, feeling like a bad migraine was coming on. Then the hand of her husband appeared before her with a bottled of Advil. “The blood left your head,” he told her, “it’s a typical side effect of fainting, to get light headed and a headache.”
“TONY!” she screamed as she embraced him, crying.
“It’s okay, Marita. It’s okay. You’re safe now.” He whispered as he held onto her with one hand and the steering wheel with the other.
“But . .but those men . . I heard a chainsaw . .”
“That was me.” He sighed.
“You?” she then parted back from him, noticing his change of clothes and the slight smudges of red on his face and arms.
“Sorry, Rita.” He winced, “I didn’t have a chance to choose a better weapon.”
“No, it’s . . .never mind. I’m just thrilled you are alive,” she said, scoffing down three Advil, “I don’t care how you killed those men, just that you killed them. They had no right to come back into our lives, Tony!”
“You don’t need to tell me that, baby,” he said, as he cut a corner, “But apparently, the situation is much worse.”
“What? What do you mean?” she asked.
Tony held up her cell phone. “While you were past out and I was . . .getting the blood off of me, we got a call,” he whispered, “It was an automated message that just said the word SIT three times.”
“SIT?” Marita then gasped, “That’s . . .that’s Locke’s program he mentioned!”
“Yeah, which means . . .this isn’t just happening to us.”
Marita then paused as they cut a quick corner, making another car blow it’s horn at them. The Latina then recognized the trees and houses of the suburbs they were in; she had visited many times as Eddie was growing up. “Eddie’s house?” she asked, “Is he okay?”
“I don’t know.” Tony said, turning a corner, “I’ve been calling him for the past 14 minutes but no answer . . “
Tony and Marita finally arrived at the Trascal home. They first noticed that Turk was no in the drive way but more black SUV’s were. Those were the same vehicles the Liberation came to at their home. The Latina then grabbed her husband by the arm and then pointed to the main window of the house. They could see shadowy figures fighting a solo figure in the house. The doctor quickly grabbed his pistol and darted out of his car. “TONY!” she screamed, “BE CAREFUL!!”
Tony didn’t have time to reply. He quickly ran through the front yard toward the front door. When he reached it, he kicked it open with his foot; surprising the three men in there. He then opened fire on all of them, sending two down on at a time. He quickly turned to the third man as he was trying to stab someone through the neck. Tony didn’t hesitate as he put a bullet into the back of his head. The Liberator’s forehead exploded in a wet gush over the side wall as he collapse. “HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!” someone screamed.
Tony blinked with his good eye. He quickly noticed the voice was NOT Eddie’s. As he looked to the poor boy scrambling out from under the body, he immediately saw it was his adoptive son’s best friend. “Tristan?” Tony whispered.
The young Asian boy quickly wiped the blood out of his eyes and looked up. “Dr. Largo, what . ..the HELL . . . . is going on?” he stammered.
“Where is Eddie?” Tony asked.
“I don’t know! I hadn’t heard from him and I’ve been calling him all weekend. When I drove by to see why he missed school . . .these guys were here and they . . .THEY FREAKING TRIED TO KILL ME!!!”
“Wait, wait, Tristan . . You’ve been calling Eddie . . .all weekend?”
The Japanese boy wiped his eyes finally clear. “Yeah. Do you know where he is?” he asked.
Tony grunted in frustration. “Damn it. They have him.” He whispered.
“Who has him?” Tristan asked, still freaking out.
“Tristan, come with me,” the doctor grabbed him by the arm, “I’ll explain everything later.”
“But . . .but . .shouldn’t we wait for the cops?”
“I’m sorry, son but the cops can’t protect us. Not from them.”
“Where’s Eddie?” Marita called to them as they ran to her.
“They have him. Dharma.” Tony said, shoving Tristan in the back.
“Tony, what do we do?” the Latina said, sitting down in her passenger seat.
“We do just what Locke said. We regroup.”
Tony reached over into the glove compartment and pulled out a white envelope marked SIT. He quickly tore it open and looked it. It’s contents was an instructional direction list, plus a map leading to the famous beach house he’d heard about.
“Vatigo Beach,” Tony said, putting it into drive, “Hopefully all our friends will be there.”
“And if they are not?” Marita asked.
“Then there will be hell to pay.” The doctor whispered.

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