Lost Fan Fiction

What about the people in the tail section?

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Location: Lawrenceville, Georgia, United States

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Part 335: Rescue Part 1

The helicopter took another swing over the boat area. The majority of the crew were dancing up and down, trying to get their attention. John, McKay and Chance were looking upward, trying to discern where it came from. Marita held onto Tony, as the blind man listened for the sound of the blades, trying to determine what kind of a bird it was. Alexander was the first one to point out it’s kind cause he knew it so well. “Black Hawk,” he pointed.

“He’s right, “ McKay looked up his hands covering the sun from his eyes, “It’s a damn Black Hawk, just like in the movie.”

“Where did it come from?” Mia asked.

“WHO CARE? WE’RE SAVED!!!” Hurley screamed.

“Not so fast, tons-a-fun,” Sawyer started looking around toward the ocean, “That helicopter came from somewhere.”

The helicopter then made another pass and then proceeded to leave, heading back in the direction it came. “OH, MY GOD!!!” Taylor screamed with her hands on her head, “WHERE IS IT GOING?”

“COME BACK, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!” Hurley screamed in frustration.

As Joscelyn began to comfort him, McKay then pushed out of everybody’s way, running into the cabin. Sawyer peered down and saw his Australian friend climbing the later into the main deck. The redneck then ran after him, seeing he knew something he didn’t. John got curious and ran right behind him. As Sawyer climbed into the deck, he saw McKay holding the binoculars in the direction of the helicopter as it flew away into the distance. Also in the distance was a very large ship. “Holy crap,” he whispered, “They came from a battleship.”

“A battleship?” Sawyer gulped, “You sure?”

“Yeah. Looks like some kind of air craft carrier.”

“Can you read which one?” John asked.

“Not from this distance . . .wait a sec . . .there is a smaller boat heading toward us.”

“Another boat?”

“Yeah, with about . . .six men on board . .they don’t look like the Liberation.”

“Yeah, they can’t be,” John said, taking the binoculars from him, “Everything we’ve seen about the Liberation, suggests that they steal and kill to get their equipment. Something tells me they wouldn’t be able to steal a battleship.”

Sawyer then shoved past them and proceeded to literally jump down the ladder. John and McKay blinked, wondering what he was up too. Dutch and Karleigh were at the bottom of the ladder, wondering what was going on. Sawyer then immediately went to his stash next to the recliner and grabbed his shotgun and pistol. “Surf-boy, we got soldiers coming toward the boat right now.” He told him.

“Soldiers from where?” Dutch asked.

“No time to explain. Gather up all our guns and toss them overboard.”

“Why would you-“

“You don’t want these soldiers to overreact . . .do you?” the redneck glared at him.

Dutch saw his point. He immediately ran toward his duffle-bag and grabbed his own gun. Sawyer walked up the stairs to the back deck and then toward the side. Ana-Lucia looked at him as he leaned over, placing his shotgun into the water and then letting in plummet into the blue depths. When she understood why he was doing it, she then grabbed her pistol from her side and tossed it overboard. No other words were needed. The rest of the group that had a gun or a rifle quickly let it join the others in the ocean. Marita then squeezed Tony’s arm, as the boat was coming closer. “Tony, they are almost here.” She whispered.

“They don’t look like the Liberation?” he asked.

“No, they look cleaner.”

“Good. Then let’s hope they are Americans.”

The boat finally came into view. It was a typical Navy launch with six soldiers on boat. One was steering the craft, while the others all had rifles. One of them stepped as the boat came to within inches of the Butterfly Rogue. The soldier looked like he was 24 or 25. He immediately pointed his rifle at the group. “LET ME SEE YOUR HANDS!” he ordered.

The group slowly raised their hands upward. McKay was the first to lean forward. “Soldier, we’re the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815, can you please help us-“

“Where Armand Osolo?” the man asked.

John blinked. “Who?” he asked.

“Armand Osolo, is he on this boat?” the soldier repeated.

“Uh . .no, I don’t know anybody by that name, “ the Australian replied.

“This is his boat and I need to know if he is on it.”

“Uh . .sir, who is this guy?” asked John.

The soldier stared at him blankly, blinking his eyes in disbelief. “You expect me to believe you don’t know who Armand Osolo is and yet you are on his boat?” he asked.

“Maybe I might believe it if I knew who he was.”

“He’s one of the biggest drug dealers in the South Pacific.” The soldier admitted.

A wash of silence went over the group. Sawyer slowly lowered his head and closed his eyes. “Aw, damn,” he whispered.

“Didn’t see that coming,” Hurley replied.

“Look, soldier, we had no idea this was a drug dealer’s boat.” McKay told him.

“Then where did you get it?” he demanded.

McKay winced his face for a minute. He felt in a split second it probably wasn’t a good idea to admit they took it from a mercenary group, that probably did kill the Osolo person. “We found it.” He replied.

“Where?” the soldier asked.

“On the Island where our plane crashed.”

“What plane?”

“Oceanic Flight 815, I just told you!”

“What direction is this Island?”

“Forty Miles, due South. We still go people on that Island, so you need to-“

“You just found the boat there?” the soldier slightly chuckled, “You people are going to tell us where Osolo is or you will be held-“

“Name and rank, soldier.” Tony then interrupted him.

“Excuse me?” he looked toward the blind man.

“I SAID, name and rank!” the doctor bellowed his voice.

The soldier paused for a second. He felt as if the tone in the blind man’s voice was something he might have heard from boot camp. “Sergeant Ray Coleman.” He told him.

“Okay, Sergeant, we have screwed around long enough,” Tony told him, “We’ll answer all your questions but first thing you are going to do is get us on that battleship.”

“Sir, I’m not-“

“SECOND THING . . .you are going to do,” Tony interrupted him, “Is get my people the medical attention they need. I got a sick man in there, who contracted an infection a day ago and if he doesn’t get antibiotics, then he might not make it.”

“Sir, you can’t give me orders.”

“Yes, I can, cause I outrank you.”

The soldier froze. That wasn’t the response he was expecting. Everybody on deck knew Tony was in the military but he was retired. Did that mean his rank was still in effect? ”And who are you?” he asked the blind man.

“Master Sergeant Anthony Largo, special forces under Churchill. My security clearance access code is 2432615184. You get on your radio and you have your superior officer run it now!”

Coleman was stupefied but he knew about the special forces and knew why they were given security access codes. He then quickly slung his rifle across his back and walked over to the driver of the boat, grabbing the radio. He immediately started to talk into it. Marita slowly lowered her hands and then moved closer to her lover. “Tony, what was all that about?” she asked.

“Yeah, Tone, I thought you said you were retired from the special forces.” John pointed out.

“I am but that was two years ago,” he smirked, “Security clearance is good for five years.”

The sergeant got off the radio and then walked back over to the edge of the boat. “Sergeant Largo, I apologize but we had to be sure you weren’t Osolo or any of his men.” He told him.

“Perfectly understandable.” Tony admitted, “Now will you please help us?”

“How many of you people need to be carried out?”

“Just one. The rest can make it.”

“All right, make some room.” Coleman told his men.

“Okay, everybody,” Tony told his people, “Grab any personal effects you want to take with you but leave the rest. We’re going with them.”

The group began to work as fast as they can. They gathered the small amount of personal effects they wanted to keep but they left behind their sleeping bags, books and spare clothes. Jin and Sun made their way onto the PT Boat, followed by Taylor, Mandy, Joscelyn and Hurley. Kate stood her ground, looking incredibly worried. Mia then came up from below the cabin and saw her. She quickly walked over and grabbed her hand. “Time to go, Kate.” She told her.

“But the moment they realize who I am-“

“We’ll deal with that when we come to it.”

Marita then came up by Kate’s side and took her by the arm, placing a bag into her belly; forcing her to grab it. “Don’t forget your care package, Kate.” She said.

“My what?” she gulped as they glided her to the boat.

Shanna then came up the stairs with Tony in tow. Then followed John and McKay as they grunted, carrying the unconscious Seth on a blanket. Chance followed right behind with his wife. Ana-Lucia grabbed her small back but then took Alexander by the hand to lead him away. She had to assure him it was okay to leave Spiderman, the Jedis and the Soldiers behind. She promised him he would see them again one day.

The moment everybody got into the military craft, the driver began to turn it around and head toward the battle ship. The group made a small look toward the Butterfly Rogue. Even though they learned it was a drug dealer’s ship, then used by the Liberation to haul their goods and men; they still regarded it as home. They wondered if the soldiers would come back for it or they would just let it drift. Their answer came in the form of four more PT Boats speeding toward the Rogue. John looked at them for a second, keeping his arm around Mia. Coleman was at the back with the radio. “Yes, sir, approximately 23 civilians.” He said over the hiss of the radio, “One is listed as critical, sir. He will need immediate medical attention. Yes, sir, thank you, sir.”

“Hang in there, Seth.” Mandy said, patting him on the chest.

Seth slowly opened his eyelids halfway. He looked around briefly. “Are we going somewhere?” he asked.

“Yeah, “ Shanna giggle, “We’re going home.”

“Sweet.” He whispered, before closing his eyes again.

The group looked up at the battleship they were approaching. The insignia on the side of the boat read it as the USS Montana. Then when they got closer, they were approaching a platform connected to steel cables, leading all the way to the top. “Tony, there is some kind of platform on wires or something.” She told her boyfriend.

“It’s a winch for boats. No big deal.” He patted her on the hand.

The driver then got them within twenty feet of the giant ship, then piloted the boat into the platform. The moment they landed, the driver then reached over and stepped out of the boat onto the platform, walking over to a control panel. He proceeded to press some buttons and the boat started to rise with the platform. The moment it did, Alexander immediately embraced McKay. The Australian grunted from the lost boy’s tight grip. “Alexander, calm down.” He assured.

Alexander whimpered as they started to rise. Mandy then began to rub his back. “Alex, stop it, you’re hurting Uncle McKay.” She told him.

Alexander loosened his embraced but then closed his eyes and buried his head in McKay’s chest. The Australian took a deep breath, feeling the ache in his ribs. He put his arm around the boy and gently patted him on the head. Then he realized the soldiers were all staring at him. McKay just put on his best fake smile. “He’s afraid of heights.” He told them.

“Ya think?” one of the soldier chuckled.

Within three more minutes, the platform finally arrived at the top. Their was a group of soldiers awaiting them, plus medical field personnel. The group slowly proceeded to exit the boat. McKay guided Alexander out of it who was still holding onto him. Once he felt he was on more solid footing, he let go of him. The lost boy marveled at the structure before him. He pointed at the soldiers that were standing all around him. “Soldiers.” He said.

“Actually, I think they are more like sailors.” Mandy corrected him, taking him by the hand and pulling him away.

The medical personnel grabbed Seth and put him on a gurney. They quickly began to rush him away toward whatever infirmary they had. At the request of Tony, Kate and Kellye followed them. They weren’t as bad off as Seth but they needed to get seen as well. As the group continued to follow their soldier escort, another soldier came out from the towers that lay ahead. He ran up to the blind man and stood before him. “Sergeant Largo, my name is Lt. Paul Monday. I’m to see you and your people in.” he told him.

“Thank you, lieutenant.” Tony told him, “What do you need us to do first?”

“My XO would like a debriefing with you about what happened to you and the other survivors of Flight 815 but first, he’s allowed us to let you have showers and food first.”

“That would be wonderful.” The blind man smiled.

The others cheered at the thought of food and a bath. It had been so long, they weren’t sure if they could handle the reality of it. But they were sure going to try.

Inside the men’s shower room, the soldiers guarding the survivors stood in amazement. They understood their predicament and that was probably why they were acting so strange. Tony, John, McKay, Chance, Dutch and Jin were all against one wall and they were not scrubbing themselves with soap; they were just letting the hot water bathe over them. John tilted back, letting the water course over. It had almost forgotten what a hot bath felt like. On the other side of the wall, Hurley was enjoying soaking his hair in as much shampoo as he could hold. He then looked toward his left and saw Alexander staring in awe of the shower. He would hold up his hand, trying to block the water but when he realized he couldn’t, he stopped. The lost boy then looked at the bar of soap in front of him, and picked it up; smelling it. He then bit into it, only to spit out in a huff. “No, dude, you’re not supposed to eat it.” Hurley corrected him.

“What . .” Alexander held it out, not sure what to do.

“Here, dude, copy me.” The large man said, using the soap to wash his underarms and chest.

Alexander then immediately started to do what Hurley was doing. When he saw the soap forming in his hands, he laughed ; understanding that he just learned something new. Sawyer cracked up laughing down the side of the wall at the sight of it. “You gonna teach him how to clean his ass next, Jabba?” he laughed.

“Shut up, dude!” the large man retorted.

“Why did I have to get this side of the wall anyway?” the redneck grunted with a scoff, “I never wanted to get this close to a naked Hurley anyway.”

“Luck of the draw, Sawyer.” McKay laughed.

The soldiers just stared at the people, almost enjoying their little dram in front of them. It was better than watching a soap opera.

Inside the female shower room, the majority of the women were just sitting on the tiled floor, letting the water rush over them. Taylor was scrubbing her hair profusely with the shampoo. Marita was holding her head back at the hot water bombarded her hair. The female soldiers that were assigned to them just looked at them and giggled. Mandy then raised her hand. “Yes?” the female soldier asked.

“How long are we allowed to stay in here?” the Californian smiled.

The female survivors laughed cause it was the question they all had but only Mandy was brave enough to ask. For however long they were allowed to stay, they were going to enjoy every second of it.

Back in the men’s shower and locker area, the group of survivors were given jumpsuits and deck shoes. Tony combed his hair back, only drying it slightly. After Alexander managed to understand what underwear was for, he then put on his jump suit. McKay walked over and helped him to zip it up. However, the lost boy was more interested in his underwear. “Feels good.” He laughed.

“Yeah, underwear does that.” Sawyer shook his head.

John, Hurley and Dutch were heavily brushing their teeth. The surfer would pause and close his eyes, relishing in the taste of the paste. It was something they had only sparingly but he missed not being able to brush his teeth every single day. McKay forced Alexander to sit down and began to tie his shoe laces for him. “He doesn’t know such a thing?” asked Lt. Monday when he walked into the locker room.

McKay slowly leaned up. Once again, it cross his mind about how the truth would fly in such a regard. “He’s special.” He smiled.

“Is he your son?”

“No, he’s . . .uh . .my nephew.”

John, Dutch and Sawyer then turned to their friend. McKay worried it might have been a split decision but in this one instance, a little white lie would be better for all around. After they stood up, the Australian put his arm around the lost boy’s shoulders. “Yep, this is Alexander McKay, my brother’s youngest,” he smiled, “I was returning him to my brother in Montana when we went down with the plane.”

“Alexander McKay.” The young boy said proudly.

“Fascinating.” Monday said, amazed by the story, “ Uh, Sergeant Largo, if you like, my men will escort your friends to the mess hall, while we take you to the infirmary to let our doctors check out your eye.”

“Hey, yeah and you can check on Seth and the others, Tony,” John told him.

“Good idea,” Tony massaged his eye empty eye socket, “You guys get some food and I’ll see you shortly.”

“Yes, Food!!” Hurley clapped his hands.

“What kind of food?” Alexander said curiously.

“Let’s hope it’s hamburgers. You are going to love them.” The large man patted him on the back.

As the majority of the men went their sailor escort, Tony took the opposite way and was being led by Lt. Monday. They worked their way down several passageways and hallways, then after a few minutes, arrived at the infirmary. As they walked in, Tony listed for voices of his friends but heard nothing. Then he heard the footsteps of someone coming toward him. “Sergeant Largo, this is resident surgeon Dr. Fred Lighter.” Monday introduced him.

Tony and man shook hands. “How are my friends, Dr. Lighter?” he asked.

“The ladies are going to be fine,” he said, reviewing a clipboard, “The older woman, who seems incoherent, had a minor fracture in her collar bone. We’ve already taken care of that. The younger woman, Kellye, apparent suffered massive stress on her neck, creating a loose bone spur. She’s currently in surgery getting it removed.”

“What about the man? Seth Butler?” asked Tony.

“We had to reopen his chest wound. After we cleaned it and sewn him back up, we placed him on antibiotic drip. If he makes it through the night, which all indications show he will, then he’ll be fine.”

“That’s good to hear,” the blind doctor paused, “You said the older woman was incoherent?”

“Yes, when we asked her what her name was, she just stared off into the distance.”

“Let me talk with her.”

The two men then led Tony down a row of gurneys and there was Kate at the fourth one down. She was in a hospital gown and her left shoulder was placed a cast. The blind doctor stood before her and smiled. “Kate, are you all right?” he asked.

“Tony . .” she said, afraid to have these men hear her name.

“Kate is her name?” Monday asked.

“Actually her full name is Loretta Katherine Stanley but she’s doesn’t like her first name, so she prefers to be called Kate. Isn’t that right, Kate?”

The brunette fugitive just stared at him. She just then realized he called her by the name of the dead woman they found in the lake next to Eddie’s father. Lt. Monday was curious about what Tony was saying. “I don’t understand, “ he admitted, “Why didn’t she just tell us this information?”

“I would have to assume it’s because her last husband was an abusive piece of trash and not to mention, he was employed in the Navy,” the blind doctor retorted, then turned to Kate, “It’s all right, Kate. You can trust these people.”

“Okay.” She shook her head.

“Ma’am, if you like, we have a psychiatrist on board, if you wish to talk to anyone.” Dr. Lighter mentioned.

“No, I just . . .want to be with my friends.” Kate told him

“You just rest now, Kate. We’ll all be together soon. Let these nice men make sure you’re collar bone is okay.”

“Thank you, Tony.”

Tony patted her leg and then left with Lt. Monday. Kate then shifted over slightly as the doctor left her. Then she saw the handbag that Marita shoved in her grip; the care package, she called it. She then reached over and took it, opening it up. Inside was all the information about Loretta Stanley; her credit cards and her money. Her drivers license was conveniently missing as was the photo from her password. Kate slowly closed her eyes and smiled; letting a tear drop from her eye. She felt so blessed to have such good friends looking out for her.


Monday, February 27, 2006

Season Three Commercial

(screen flickers with images of the Island, then the ocean. An ominous voice echoes in the background.)


(image appears the Statue of Liberty. Then it show a wide screen shot of the ground standing on the railings of a boat. Then the images flashes by all of them. Some are crying, some are jumping for joy)


(images flash of them fighting the Liberation, Sawyer and McKay fighting each other, Mia screaming as Rose is executed)


(A helicopter is shown circling the Butterfly Rouge, everybody is on the back and front, decks, jumping up and laughing)


(Wide shot of the group of survivors walking into a massive hotel, with tons of people taking their pictures. Seth is waving to one side of the crowd, while Sawyer is blowing kisses to the other side)


(an old woman is grabbing John and kissing him on the cheek. He weeps as he hugs her. Ana-Lucia is hugging her mother, who is crying on her shoulder. McKay stands in a room as his brother enters, then they rush to each other and embrace)


(Shanna is seen collapsing, and crying severely. Seth and Mia are grabbing her as she’s falling back. Then it shows Shannon getting slapped by her mother-in-law. The tall blonde then looks at her with a mixture of sadness and rage. Then it shows Seth, just getting finished, hugging his mother and father, then looks down the hall to see Tanya coming toward him. She’s wearing a brace over her right knee and using a cane to walk. She’s trying to get to Seth so face, she nearly falls. He quickly rushes toward her and takes her in his arms, as she embraces him)


(shot focuses on Eddie for a brief second, as he’s dressed in his Sunday best. He turns around to look at a tombstone that reads Edward Trascal Senior. Another shot shows a door being opened and a grizzled old man looks up to the person who opened the door. The person is then revealed as Joscelyn, who is backing off from the man with a very frightened look. The next scene shows Jin and Sun at a resteraunt, while the Korean man then sees a man with a gun coming up quickly toward them)


(shot shows the men standing together and laughing. Sayid has a bottle of champagne and he’s opening it up, spraying it on his friends. Next scene shows the majority of the women standing together with their arms around each other. Taylor is the foreground with Mandy and they are both singing from a Karaoke machine.)


(Music begins to play in the background. It’s U2’s “I still Haven’t Found What I Am Looking For)

(John, Tony and McKay are in a casino. They are all embracing and jumping up and down, laughing)

(Micheal and Yolanda are walking hand and hand in Central Park, while Walt runs ahead with Vincent on a leash)

(Mandy is in hospital bed, holding a newborn baby. She kisses the little one on the forehead. The Scene shows McKay holding onto Taylor and Alexander as all three are crying for joy)

(Hurley and Joscelyn are together in a van. They are both laughing, and swinging their arms as they sing to whatever song is played in the van)

(Eddie is now shown and he’s an older teenager now. He is beating up some kid at school, while a young woman is crying in a corner, her blouse has been ripped half off. Next scene shows him and Tony sitting quietly on a park bench)

(Scene shows Locke walking back into his job but everybody is of course amazed over the fact that he is WALKING. He holds his head proudly)

(Kate is shown, driving in a pickup truck and wiping her hears. Behind her, we can see her leaving four men into the fading distance.)

(Seth, Shanna and Mia are all in the front seat of some old car, laughing and smiling. Seth is wearing sunglasses, Mia is wearing one of her bandanas, and Shanna’s red hair is flowing in the wind from the open windows of the vehicle)

(Karleigh is seen in a limo, all dressed, prim and proper. She looks very sad. Next scene shows Dutch sitting on a beach with his surf-board tucked in the sand behind him. He is looking very sad)

(Tony is seen on a specialized medical bed as it is sliding him under a giant device, with an apparatus attached around his eye. Marita is standing behind an observation glass with Jack by her side.)

(The scene then shows a massive concert scene. Seth is singing up a storm, and Charlie is dancing by his side. Shanna is in the background with her hair tucked in a baseball cap, and she’s playing her heard out on the drums. The crowd is screaming for them in complete joy. Then the scene shows Charlie’s Brother Liam looking at them on a television. He grabs a beer bottle and throws it at the TV)

(Natasha is walking out of an office building in her full business suit. She stops and smiles. Sawyer is seen with the wall street journal on a nearby bench in her lobby)

(The scene shows a farm with cows and on the front porch sits Ecko. He’s found his little peaceful corner of the world and he’s happy)


(scene shows Seth reaching down to a sandy beach and picking up a handful of sand)

(Eddie is in his class room as a girl comes over and sit next to him. He looks at her briefly, then does a double take, gasping at her)

(Jenny is shown with Jack and they are hugging in the rain, outside a hospital)


(Locke is show in a confessional, crying)

(Jenny is shown, holding out her nunchuks. There is a small stream of blood coming from the side of her mouth and she looks like she is filled with rage. There is a man in the foreground but his back is too us and we can’t see him)

(Hal is showing entering a room with just a flashlight and a gun. Kellye is right behind him, holding a gun of her own)

(John is seen on a couch, huddled up with Mia and a young girl no older than three. They are under Native American made blanket)

(scene shows McKay and Sawyer with their fists up, back to back. They are in a the middle of a bar fight)

(A man is shown running through an alley with a purse. Marita and Tony are running after him, with Tony has a small amount of blood on his forehead. It is rain heavily. As they chase after him, Marita then witnesses the man get consumed by a large shape in the shadows. She stops both her and her boyfriend in the rain, as she looks up gasping)

(Fade to black over the Echoing sound of The Polliwog’s roar)



Part 334: Day 80

McKay rested on the back of the boat staring out at the water. Taylor was by his side, staring out with him. The ocean seemed to stretch into the horizon, almost as if it was four months in every direction. The Australian massaged the bridge of his nose; wondering why they hadn’t seen a ship in two weeks. They were well into the shipping lanes by now, they would have to be. His thoughts were interrupted by the soft hand touching his shoulder. “You okay?” Taylor asked him.

“I’m fine,” he smiled, “I’m just tired.”

“Tired of the ocean? Tired of this boat? Tired of not being on land?” she smiled.

“All of the above.” He playfully replied.

“That’s the McKay, I know. Don’t lose your hope, honey. You’ve always been the optimistic one among us.”

“I’m thankful I have you by my side.”

“Every good man needs a good woman at his back.”

The two lovers leaned forward for a little kiss. McKay felt much better than he did a few minutes ago. He continued to stare at the ocean until Mandy walked up behind them. She had her arms crossed, staring into the massive ocean water. “How long has it been?” she asked.

McKay looked at his watch. “Ten minutes.” He whispered.

“I hate it when he does this.” She groaned.

“He’s good at doing it, Mandy. Besides, he’s mostly doing it for you.”

“I know that, but I just . . .” Mandy tried not to weep.

Taylor then stood up and walked toward her friend, embracing her. Mandy wept on her friend’s shoulder. McKay stood up walked toward the two ladies in his life. The blonde slowly parted, wiping her tears. “Please . .if he brings enough . . promise me you guys will eat something.” She sniffed.

“Mandy, we all agreed,” the Australian told her, “If he’s only to bring back a small amount, then the majority of it goes to you and Seth.”

“No, please . . .I can’t . .not while you guys are . . .”

“Mandy, look at me!” Taylor grabbed her by the shoulders, “If you are pregnant, we’re going to give this baby every chance, you hear me?”

Mandy said nothing. She embraced Taylor again. The blonde Californian held her friend, trying for her to not get too upset. McKay appreciated how she felt but they all agreed, for her and Boone’s sake, they were going to give this baby every chance to live and that meant for Mandy to be well nourished. John then came up from below the cabin and saw his friends huddled together. It wasn’t hard to miss the sad looks on their faces either. “Is everything all right?” he asked.

“Everything is fine, John. Mandy was just a little upset in regards to our decision about her eating.” McKay pointed out.

“Don’t be upset, girl,” the archer looked at her, “ We’ve all made this decision. That baby is going to live, comprende?”

Mandy smiled, shaking her head in agreement through her tears. “Good girl,” John smiled.

Then out in the distance of the water, Alexander burst up for air. The group then turned around, looking at the boy when his blonde hair slicked back across his head. He then held up a sharp spear he made and sticking through that spear was four fish. He then began to swim toward them. John stared in disbelief. “How long was he down?” he asked.

McKay looked at his watch. “Twelve minutes.” He smirked.

“Hell, that is amazing.” The archer said in disbelief.

Alexander held up his stabbed fish, which McKay took immediately. The lost boy then stood up, getting on the boat in nothing but his swimming trunks. He grunted as he hoisted up the backpack he brought with him. The water was spewing out of it rapidly from it’s pouches. When he dumped it out onto the boat, it sounded like it was full of rocks. “What the hell did you find, Alexander?” McKay asked.

“Found big rock.” The young man panted, “Lots of rocky fish there. Bring them back for friends.”

McKay unzipped the bag and looked inside. He smiled with a certain glee he hadn’t had in days. “Mussels.” The Australian smiled, “He found a reef and he brought back mussels.”

The group laughed as they need Jin could boil them and make them edible. McKay and John began to walk down to the cabin to get the food ready. Taylor kissed Alexander on the cheek for his brave dive. Mandy looked at them as they walked away down toward the cabin to get Jin and Sun to begin cooking. The blonde then turned toward the boy who was dripping wet, drying himself off. “You made sure . .to get everybody something?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said, taking a deep breath.

“Alexander, you could have drowned. Why . .why would you . . “

“Mandy sad,” he said, making sure he found the right words, “Mandy sad cause everybody no eat. Wanted . ..to make sure Mandy sad no more.”

Mandy felt her heart blooming. Taylor was right; he was doing it for her health and at that moment, her piece of mind. She then walked over to the young man and touched him on both cheeks, kissing him. Alexander closed his eyes, relishing her touch; a touch he had only dreamed about. She parted from him and then left to go back down the cabin. Alexander stood there for a few second, then held his chest and sat down. He didn’t want to talk to anybody at the moment. The lost boy just wanted to dwell on Mandy’s kiss for a few minutes.

John walked past the others that were lounging inside the cabin and walked into the bedroom. Inside Seth was laying on the bed, with his pillow showing a massive sweat soaked stain. Mia was toward his left and Shanna was by his right, placing cold water rags on his forehead. The Lakota then took notice of her boyfriend, lighting up at his presence. “Good news,” John smiled, “ Alexander came back with enough food for everybody.”

Mia smiled. “That’s wonderful, John,” she nearly cried.

“Jin going to be cooking them shortly so do you best to rouse him so he can eat.”

The Archer walked out of the room, leaving his love and their friends together. Mia looked at her friend as he laid unconscious on the bed. Kellye and Kate were feeling better, so let Seth have the entire bed. It was better since it didn’t do too good for him to be crowded with more heat. “Mia,” Seth whispered.

Mia stopped reading her book and leaned forward, taking her friends hand. “Yeah, Seth, I am here.” She assured him.

“Too much.. . . drama . . .on the Island . . .never got the chance . . . “ he coughed briefly.

“Never got the chance to do what, Seth?” she asked him.

“Never got the . .chance . . .to tell you why . . .I was in Australia.”

Mia smiled, then looked to Shanna, who massaged his arm. “Why were you in Australia, Seth?” asked the redhead.

“Scouting . . .places for Tanya . . .she loves to surf. But she . .hates to fly . .” Seth laughed but then started coughing.

Mia just held onto his hand.

“Never knew . ..where that would take me . . .survive a plane crash . . and meet three . . extraordinary people . . “

“Don’t try to talk, Seth.” Mia replied, when she saw what a struggle it was causing him.

“No, I want . .to say . . .I love you both . . “

Shanna slowly leaned down, touching her head on his arm. Seth leaned up and placed his hand on her hand. “You got to promise me . . .you got to tell Tanya . . .that I never . . .once stopped thinking about her.”

“Seth . .” the Lakota girl sniffed.

“Promise, Mia . . .promise me you’ll tell her.”

Mia leaned forward, squeezing his hand. “You gonna tell her yourself, you hear me?” She wept, “I am not going to let you give up. You’re going to make it, Seth.”

“You don’t know that.” He coughed.

“YES, I DO!!” she insisted, “Because do you know what would happen if you die?”

“What?” the musician coughed.

“Brendon will kick your butt from here to eternity for leaving me and Shanna.”

Seth stared at her blankly for a few seconds, then proceeded to laugh. Shanna even started laughing too at Mia’s joke. The musician coughed for a second but still chuckled. The Lakota girl grinned at him, rubbing his sweat forehead. “No more talk about giving up, okay?” she asked.

“Okay,” he whispered.

Mia kissed him on the cheek and then slowly got up out of the room. She decided she was going to get some fresh air. The majority of the group was inside the living room, getting ready for the boiled mussels and fish that Alexander secured. The young woman walked up the stairs and then proceeded to scoot along the side to the front of the boat. Sawyer was off to the side with his shirt off, taking the opportunity to work on his tan. Chance was with his wife Arizona, as she laid on his lap; completely devoid of energy. “Chance, Ari, we got food now,” Mia told them, “ Alexander was successful in his fishing trip.”

“Oh, thank, God,” Arizona cried.

“Thank you, Mia.” Chance shook her hand.

“Kudos to the Tarzan Boy.” Sawyer smiled, under his sunglasses.

Mia slowly walked over to him and sat down next to him. The redneck smirked at her, and then stared back up at sky. “How you doing, Sawyer?” she asked.

“Just chillin like a villain on penicillin, darlin, “ he chuckled.

“You are a piece of work.” She said, tucking her hands in her pockets.

“Glad of you to notice.”

Mia then paused when she felt something in her pocket. She then slowly pulled it out and looked at. It all the ruckus of what had happened on the Island, she had completely forgotten about Cecil’s wallet. She slowly opened it up and looked at the photo of his son, back when the boy was a kid and Cecil was much younger. Sawyer slowly removed his sunglasses and looked the object. “Oh, yeah,” he whispered, “I had forgotten you took his wallet.”

“He asked it of me. He knew he was dying of lung cancer.”

“Is that right?” the redneck mused, “I did not know that.”

“We’ve never talked about that day, Sawyer.”

“Saw no reason to, Pocahontas.” He leaned back, closing his eyes.

“Then can you tell me how he got that gun?”

“He took it from me . . .when I was coming to kill him.”

Mia turned to face him. She knew that Cecil and Sawyer had a bad history; she could just tell. However, she wasn’t aware it was bad enough to force the southern man to kill the older man. “Why would you want to kill him?” she asked.

“Cause he forced my daddy to kill my mama and then my dad killed himself.” Sawyer said coldly.

“You know that for sure?”

“The old man confessed it to me before he shot himself.” Sawyer then leaned up, wiping his sweat, “It’s funny.”

“What’s funny?” Mia asked.

“He could have shot. Was prepared to but . . he didn’t. He said, I had a chance to turn my life around. Then . .boom.”

“Cecil said that?”

“Yeah. . . .funny, ain’t it?”

“Well, are you gonna?” the Lakota girl nudged.

“Am I gonna what?”

“Turn your life around?”

Sawyer looked at her and smiled his famous smile. It made most ladies swoon but all it did for Mia was make her giggle. “I have started to turn my life around, little chiefette, “he grinned, “The moment I fought with ya’ll against the Liberation . . .I turned my life around. Hell, Jack telling me that me and him weren’t friends but we weren’t enemies . . .I kinda felt . . .”

“Proud?” Mia smiled.

Sawyer looked at her and grinned again. “Yeah.” He whispered.

Mia smiled, putting the wallet back into her shorts. Then she saw Tony stumbling onto the front deck with them. He had the look on his face that he might have been crazy from the heat. He was stumbling around with his bandana loosely on his head. “Tony?” Mia asked to get his attention.

“SHHHH!!!” he immediately responded.

“Hey, Cochise, what is your problem?” Sawyer asked him.

“Sawyer, Mia, get up!” the blind doctor motioned for them.

Mia got to her feet and rushed to her blind friend. Sawyer got up with a grumble cause he was comfortable. He walked over to his friend, wondering what was up with him. Mia touched his arm, looking at him. He looked like he was going to break down crying at any moment. “Do you hear that?” he whispered.

“Tony, I’m not sure-“ Mia tried to say.

“Oh, God,” the blind man cried, “Please, God . . .please don’t make this be a hallucination.”

“Cochise, maybe you should get back out of the heat.” Sawyer mentioned.

“DO ANY OF YOU HEAR THAT???” Tony bellowed at the top of his lungs.

Sawyer folded his arms and closed his eyes, concentration. “I don’t hear squat, man,” he sighed.

“No . .” Tony whimpered.

Mia then blinked. “Wait ,. . “ she said.

Sawyer then opened his eyes. The sound was distance and it was faint. Mia looked out into the horizon. Tony slowly leaned up. He could feel Mia’s hand started to squeeze his arm profusely. He ignored the pain cause that told him she could hear it do. As the minutes went back, the sound started to fill the air above so that Chance and Arizona could hear it.

The sound of helicopter blades.

Part 333: Day 79

contributed by Dragan but MASSIVELY tweaked by me.

It's still his segment though. :)

The night time wind gently caressed the Butterfly Rogue, which rocked back and forth on the high seas.

Seth continued to shiver in his sleep: his teeth firmly clenched, and his pillow was covered in heavy sweat. The young man began to grip his arms, seeing a hazy shade of colors dance before his eyes. By instinct, he slowly turned over to his side; his eyes became partially open and he saw Kate by his side as always. “K-Katie.” He whimpered.

Kate slowly stirred from her sleep and then sat up; looking down at him. “Seth?” she gasped.

“I can’t . . s-s-s-stop sha-k-k-king,” He groaned.

She then touched his forehead and reeled back as it seems he was definitely burning up. “Oh my God! Seth!!!” she exclaimed, realizing something was severely wrong.

“Could you guys . . .c-c-c-crank down the AC?” he jittered.

Kate quickly jumped to her feet, running out of their room; stirring Kellye from her own slumber. She scooted past the others and ran outside to the back of the boat. Once she arrived toward the back, she yelled for the one person best suited for the present situation. “Tony!” she screamed making Tony and Marita jump to their slumber.

“Kate, what’s wrong?” the blind man coughed.

“It’s Seth!” she pointed toward the cabin, “Something’s wrong. I think he’s sick! He’s burning up!”

Tony began to place his pants back on, “Burning up you say?”

“Yes. He’s mumbling too.”

“Hmm. Delirium could be the result of an infection. I was afraid of that.” Tony turned toward the love of his life, “Sweetie, shall we?”

Marita immediately then took him by the arm and helped to guide him to Seth’s room. Kate lead the way as they crossed several of the Survivors sprinkled about. Sawyer then called out to the fugitive . “What’s going on Freckles?” he inquired

“Not now Sawyer!” she responded, running past him.

Sawyer glares at her for a brief moment, twitching his left eye. Opening her eyes, Mia watched as Tony and Marita pursued Kate into the bedroom area. . Instinctively she pulled away from John and jumped up after them as well. Her abrupt departure made the archer awake as well. “Mia?” John called to her; looking around.

Shanna noticed her reaction and called out too. “Mia? What happened?” she asked.

Mia turned to her red headed friend, whom she has taken on as a younger sister. “I think its Seth.” She said

The gang quickly began to huddle around Seth in his room, who was shaking and becoming very delirious. “How is he Tony?” cried a visibly upset Shanna.

Tony gently touched Sun’s shoulder, to let him know what was going on. She started to slowly and gently remove the bandage from the young man’s side. she flinched and commented on his wounds in Korean. “What is it? What do you see?” asked the blind man

“It is infected.” She responded, looking at the blindfolded young medic.

“Damn this is what I was afraid of.” Tony grimaced.

Seth moaned heavily as Mia held on to his hand, gently petting it. “Will he be alright?” asked Shanna by his side.

“Sun I need you to administer some more morphine for him. It’ll help alleviate the pain somewhat.” Tony turned and motioned for Marita to lead him out.

Sun immediately sprung into action, Tony cannot help but admit to himself that perhaps he did luck out with the crew selection for the boat. He distinctly recalled Jack telling him what an asset Sun will be to them because of her propensity to play nurse and overall knowledge of herbs. Hopefully it will be enough to keep Seth from succumbing to his infection. “Tony!!!” screamed Shanna.

Tony turned to the girl.

“Will he make it?” she cried into his face.

Marita quickly grabbed her and pulled her in for a hug. “It’ll be alright sweetie.” She whispered into her ear.

“I already lost Brendon, I can not bare the thought…”

“It’ll be alright Shanna.” The doctor assured her,” We’re not losing anybody else, not on my watch. John? You awake?”

“Yeah, Tony?” the archer stood up.

“Find a bucket or a pan then go scoop out some ocean water,” the blind man told his friend, “We’re going to try to disinfect his wound.”

Sun administered the shot of Morphine to the young singer, overhearing Tony. She agreed it was their best chance to break his fever. Mia gently pushed aside several strands of hair, she watched as he gritted his teeth and uttered the one thing that comes to his mind. “Tanya.” He coughed, as he proceeded to pass out.

Seth slowly began to stir back to consciousness. He smacked his lips together, and opened his eyes. He then saw Kate smiling over him. He smiled the patented Seth smile back to her. “Kate? How long was I out?” he asked her.

She doesn’t respond.

“Kate?” Seth asked again.

She looked at him with a goofy grin and then proceeds to walk out of the room. Seth grunted as he got up, following her. The moment he got into the living room, he saw it was just him and her. “Where is everybody?” Seth then asked her.

Kate continued her goofy grin and then seemed to pull a microphone out of the blue. When she did, the giant TV next to her, clicked on and began to flash images across it’s LCD screen. Seth watched it and saw a house exploding, then an image of the Marshall Mars that hunted Kate, then it showed an image of her kissing Jack and then another imaging of her kissing Sawyer. It stopped off with a picture of an aging waitress. Kate then closed her eyes and began to sing into the microphone with deep passion.

Oh Mamma, I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law
Law man has put an end to my running
and I'm so far from my home
Oh Mamma, I can hear you a crying
you're so scared and all alone
Hangman is coming down from the gallows
and I don't have very long
The jig is up, the news is out
They finally found me
The renegade who had it made
Retrieved for a bounty
Never more to go astray
This'll be the end today
Of the wanted man
Oh Mama, I've been years on the lam
and had a high price on my head
Lawman said 'Get him dead or alive'
and it's for sure he'll see me dead
Dear Mama I can hear you cryin',
you're so scared and all alone
Hangman is comin' down from the gallows
and I don't have very long
The jig is up, the news is out
They finally found me
The renegade who had it made
Retrieved for a bounty
Never more to go astray
The judge'll have revenge
todayOn the wanted man

Oh Mama, I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law
Law man has put an end to my running and I'm so far from my home
The jig is up, the news is out
They finally found meThe renegade who had it made
Retrieved for a bounty
Never more to go astray
This'll be the end today
Of the wanted man

Seth stared at her in complete shock. He didn’t know what to make her awesome singing ability. Then slowly out of the kitchen emerged Sawyer. His hair was completely soaked and he wore a t-shirt that shown a skull and crossbones. “Sawyer?” Seth asked.

Before he could say anything else, the redneck kicked him hard into his stomach, making him crash against a side wall. The flimsy stucco caved in slightly, making Seth grip his chest. “What’s your damn problem?” the musician screamed.

Sawyer then held up his right hand and a guitar fell out of the ceiling, sliding perfectly down around his chest. The guitar was the familiar one, composed of white tape against a red background. “Is that Eddie Van Halen’s guitar?” the singer asked.
Suddenly a very familiar riff exploded around him. Seth continued to stare at the southerner as he played the guitar like he was born into it. It was the stare that Sawyer was giving him that confused him even more; it was one of the hateful stares he had every received. What did this mean?

Sawyer then started to sing :

On the day I was born,
the nurses all gathered 'round
And they gazed in wide wonder,
at the joy they had found
The head nurse spoke up, and she said leave this one alone
She could tell right away, that I was bad to the bone

Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
B-B-B-B-Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone

I broke a thousand hearts,
before I met you
I'll break a thousand more baby, before I am through
I wanna be yours pretty baby,
yours and yours alone
I'm here to tell ya honey, that I'm bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
I make a rich woman beg,
I'll make a good woman steal
I'll make an old woman blush,
and make a young woman squeal
I wanna be yours pretty baby,
yours and yours alone
I'm here to tell ya honey, that I'm bad to the bone
Bad to the bone

Seth pushed him away as he ran toward the other end of the cabin. He stared at him from the stairway, with Kate’s goofy grin and Sawyer’s hateful stare. “What the hell is going on?” he asked aloud.

No answered, they just stared at him. The TV then flashed another images, this time it was Alexander fighting Darth Maul with a lightsaber. Seth needed answers for the craziness that flashed in front of him. Looking over to his side, he though for a second and snapped his fingers. “I know…Tony.” He blinked.

He quickly turned around and crawled up the door to the outside of the boat. Seth then jerked when he turned the knob and it was clocked. Then it finally opened of it’s own occurred and to his amazement was his childhood stuffed animal companions, Primo and Bentley. Primo was standing on his friend’s head and motioned toward the back. “C’MON INNNNNNNN.” He said in a high pitched voice.

Seth walked out to the back of the boat where the majority of everybody else was. John was kneeling down with his hand on a football and McKay was by his side. They were both looking down as if they were praying, after John scored a touchdown. Then Seth noticed the large oak piano at the back with Tony playing it. Marita was laying on it, in a sparkling red dress, staring at her love. Ana-Lucia was kneeling beside them and dressed in a nun’s outfit ; looking upward, as she had her hands clasped as if praying. Seth then jolted as Tony started to sing a new rift into the air.

Doctor, my eyes have seen the years
Through the slow parade of tears without crying
Now I want to understand
I have done all that I could
To see the evil and the good without hiding
You must help me if you can
Doctor my eyes
Tell me what is wrong
Was I unwise to leave them open for so long?
As I've wandered through this world
As each moment has unfurled
I've been waiting to awaken from this dream
People go just where they will
I never notice them until I've got this feeling
That it's later than it seems
Doctor my eyes
Tell me what is real
I hear their cries
Just saying "It's too late for me"

Mia then came into view, playing BB King’s guitar in the guitar solo of Tony’s song.

Doctor my eyes
Cannot be disguisedI
s this the prize
for having learned how not to cry?

Seth then quietly backed up and proceeded to close the door, retreating back into the cabin. He stared down at his feet dumbfounded. “Da hell is going on?” he said to himself.

He then turned around and instead of being in the cabin, he realized he was on the stage of some kind of old theater. Suddenly the lights came on, pirouetting all around.. Cheesy music then filled the dark room.. John quickly came out of the door, running past Seth. He then slid across the stage to a contingent of giddy gals awaiting him.

With a heavy amount of musical passion, he then let out a horrifying wail, and began to sing, pointing to Mia, who then joined him in the song as they are dueting while McKay, Taylor, Shanna, and Mandy sang backup and danced around them.

I got chills,
they're multiplyin', and I'm losin' control
Cause the power you're supplyin',
it's electrifyin'
You better shape up, cause I need a man,
and my heart is set on you
You better shape up, you better understand,
to my heart I must be true
Nothing left, nothing left for me to do

You're the one that I want(you are the one I want),
ooh ooh ooh, honey
The one that I want (you are the one I want),
ooh ooh ooh, honey
The one that I want (you are the one I want),
ooh ooh ooh, honey
The one I need (the one I need),
oh yes indeed (yes indeed)
If you're filled with affection,
You're too shy to convey
Meditate my direction, feel your way
I better shape up, cause you need a man
I need a man, Who can keep me satisfied
I better shape up, if I'm gonna prove
You better prove, that my fate is justified
Are you sure?
Yes I'm sure down deep inside.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Seth goes running towards the other end of the stage and opens the adjacent door. He quickly opened it up and dove inside. Then moment he looked up he could see a beaming Joscelyn, who was looking at Hurley dressed in a tux. The large man then started to tap his foot and spun around wearing shades, as a spotlight fell on him seemingly form nowhere.

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.
When it's cold outside
I've got the month of May.
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).
I've got so much honey
the bees envy me.
I've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees.
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).
Hey hey hey
Hey hey hey Ooooh.
I don't need no money, fortune, or fame.
I've got all the riches baby one man can claim.
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).
I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
with my girl. I've even got the month of May
with my girl (fade)

Josie then let out a girlish scream and fainted in Seth’s arms! “What the hell is going on, have you all lost your freaking minds?” The musician screamed as he held the unconscious girl.

Suddenly then a strobe light flashed behind him and a deeply hypnotic disco beat began to play. Seth turned around and looked at the sight before him. “Oh my God in Heaven.” He mumbled as his eyes bulged before him.

“Buddy what happened to you?” his old friend asked him.

Brendon walked over, decked out in white Polyester. He then quickly backstepped toward another stage that appeared out of nowhere and began to disco dance, spin, gyrate and sing in a high pitched tone. All the rest of the gang then joined him on the dance floor. The young Asian then grabbed a hold of Shanna and they danced together!

Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk,
I'm a woman's man: no time to talk.
Music loud and women warm,
I've been kicked around since I was born.
And now it's all right.
It's OK. And you may look the other way.
We can try to understand
the New York Times' effect on man.
Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother
, you're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin',
and we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive. Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive.
Well now, I get low and I get high
, and if I can't get either, I really try.
Got the wings of heaven on my shoes.
I'm a dancin' man and I just can't lose.
You know it's all right. It's OK.
I'll live to see another day.
We can try to understand the New York Times' effect on man.
Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother,
you're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin',
and we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive. Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive.
Life goin' nowhere. Somebody help me.
Somebody help me, yeah. Life goin' nowhere.
Somebody help me. Somebody help me, yeah.
Stayin' alive. Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk,
I'm a woman's man: no time to talk.
Music loud and women warm, I've been kicked around since I was born.
And now it's all right. It's OK.
And you may look the other way.
We can try to understand
the New York Times' effect on man.
Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother,
you're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin',
and we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive.

Seth jerked and then dumped the unconscious Joscelyn on the nearby bed and then ran out of the bedroom. He jolted through the cabin area that had seemed to returned to normal and then made it to the back of the boat. He was alone. Seth then felt an overwhelming desire for his love Tanya, as he never missed her more than at that moment. He slowly then stared into the moon shining above him. He took no notice of the two sharks that appeared out of the water and proceeded to sing.

One is the loneliest number
that you'll ever do
Two can be as bad as oneI
t's the loneliest number since the number one
No is the saddest experience you'll ever know
Yes, it's the saddest experience you'll ever know
'Cause one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
One is the loneliest number, whoa-oh, worse than two
It's just no good anymore since you went away
Now I spend my time just making rhymes of yesterday
One is the loneliest number
One is the loneliest number
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
One is the loneliest
One is the loneliest
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
It's just no good anymore since you went away
(number)One is the loneliest (number)
One is the loneliest (number)
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
(number)One is the loneliest (number)
One is the loneliest (number)
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
(one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do)
(number)One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
(number)One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do

The song finally stopped and he looked upward. He could see her loving face reflected in the moon high above. “Hang on honey, I’ll be home soon.” Seth said

Sun continued to dab the cloth into the salt water and wash the puss out of Seth’s wound best she could. Kate, Mia, and Shanna were keeping close vigil as they all rested together in the corner of the bedroom. Tony stood near the entrance to the doorway with his arms cross. John tapped Tony’s shoulder to get his attention. “How bad is it?” the archer asked him.

Tony looked towards the sound of his best friend’s voice. “Bad.” He sighed, “He needs antibiotics and we’ve already given him all we had. If he doesn’t get medical attention soon, I . . . .I just don’t know.”

Part 332: Good Friends

contributed by Lizzie. :)

Kellye slowly opened her eyes. She looked to her right and saw Jenny curled up in a chair, asleep. She sighed and whispered to herself, "Gotta love great friends."

She stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before falling asleep, yet again.


"Schroeder!" a voice yelled.

Kellye quickly jumped off her cot and stood at attention before SGT Zale.“Yes, Sergeant?” she replied.

Zale had an annoyed look on his face as he stood in front of the young soldier with his hands behind his back. He slowly circled her as he spoke, “Schroeder, I got a surprise for you. In fact, you might just like it! You have someone who requests your presence in the mess hall. I don’t know who the hell it is, but the Colonel ordered me to get you over there.”

Kellye looked at him, puzzled. Who could possibly visit her in the middle of the Iraqi desert? She thought that maybe her Sergeant was screwing with her, because he loved to mess with his squads’ minds.“Well get going!” he yelled at her as he pointed to the exit of the tent.

She saw he was ticked off so she followed orders and quickly walked out of the tent after picking up her cover and rifle.As she stepped into the heat of the desert, Kellye wondered where her older brother was in all this. Last she had heard from him, he was in Taji. But then again, Brian’s unit tended to move around a lot. She shook off the thought as she neared the chow hall.Kellye stopped for a second, took a deep breath, and pushed the door open. She walked inside and didn’t see anyone new. Her buddies Mossie and Mallman, also known as Caramel, were laughing at something, and other soldiers from her unit were socializing, eating, and even sleeping.

She was scanning the crowd for anyone unfamiliar when somebody came up behind her and tickled her sides. She squealed and jumped to face the person.Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw who it was. “Brian!!!” she screamed and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.

Brian just laughed. “Whoa there, Sis, don’t knock me over.”

Kellye let go of him, half crying, half laughing. “Sorry, Brian. I’m just so happy to see you! What are you doing here?”

Brian then got a saddened look on his face. “Let’s sit down, Dove, okay?”

Kellye eyed her brother with concern as he led her to a table and sat down. He was struggling to find the words he needed to say to her. “Um, Kel? I, uh...” he started, “I’m...my unit...we’re pushing into Baghdad. Kel, I’m going...I’m going into combat. I’m going into combat and I’m not sure I’ll make it out alive.”

“Wh...what do you mean? You’ll make it, you’re good.”

“I don’t know, Kel, I just have this feeling that something bad’s gonna happen to me,” he stopped and looked at her. “Kellye, I came here because I needed to talk to you before I...go in. Just in case, you know? You’re my sister, and I wanted to tell you I love you.”

Tears started forming in Kellye’s eyes at the sheer thought of Brian getting killed. As much as she wanted to push it out of her mind, she knew the threat was always there. She closed her eyes and felt Brian put something in her hand. She looked and saw it was an envelope. Brian looked at her sadly. “Don’t read it unless something happens to me. Alright?”

Kellye just nodded her head, keeping her eyes on her boots. Her brother put his hand on her chin and made her look at him. “I love you, War Dove.”

She pulled him into an embrace and thought about never letting go when a voice yelled across the room at Brian, “Yo, Schroeds, we gots to go!”

The siblings slowly parted and stood up. They said goodbye as Brian followed his comrades outside and to their convoy. He climbed into a humvee and looked out the window at Kellye. He gave her a small wave and the line of vehicles rolled out.

Two days passed and Kellye got no word about Brian. ‘No news is good news,’ she told herself, ‘He’s alright."

As she was filling sandbags with some other soldier, SGT Zale came over to her. “What did I do wrong now, Sarge?” she asked sarcastically.

Zale had a solemn look as he said, “Schroeder, I’ve got some bad news.”

No more needed to be said. Kellye knew what had happened. She started to take quick, deep breaths and she started to cry. “No...no, no, no, no, no...”

“I’m sorry, Schroeder, I really am,” Zale spoke.

Kellye looked at him. “Where is he? Where is he, I need to see him!”

Then she saw two medics slowly setting a litter down in the sand. Kellye saw immediately that it was her brother. She ran over and fell to her knees on the ground beside him. Kellye didn’t know what to do. Brian, her rock, her best friend, her brother, was dead. Gone. She sank down and sat on her heels. She reached for his helmet which had been laid between his ankles. She picked it up and looked inside. Taped to the inside was a picture of her.

All of a sudden, he opened his eyes and stared straight at her.

He said something, but it wasn’t his voice. It was Jenny’s.


“Wake up, Kellye. Wake up,” Jenny said as she gently shook her friend.

Kellye’s eyes snapped open and looked around frantically. She was nearly hyperventilating and sweating profusely. She had been crying.“You okay?” her blonde friend asked, concerned.

Kellye started to calm down. “Yeah, I-I think so.”

Jenny let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding. “What were you dreaming about that got you breathing so fast?”

“My brother,” Kellye whispered after a moment.

Jenny needed no further explanation; she knew how much Kellye missed her brother. Kellye wiped her tears, trying to push back the memories. She then turned on her side to face her new friend. "You gonna be here when I wake up?" she asked.

Jenny smiled a warm smile. She gently took Kellye's hand to assure her she wasn't alone.

They sat in silence until Jenny heard Kellye’s breaths even out. She was asleep again. The young blonde hoped her friend's dreams would be a little more pleasant the second time around.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Part 331: Day 77

from Guest writer Igne

Joscelyn woke up, still a little drowsy from a good night’s sleep. She looked beside her, but surprisingly enough, Hurley wasn’t there. Alexander was still there, watching TV again. Spiderman 2, again. It seemed the boy couldn’t get enough of it, the brunette thought. She smiled and went off to search Hurley.

When she found her friend, he was on deck, looking out over the ocean. He seemed to be deep in thought.

“What are you thinking about Hurley,” Joscelyn suddenly asked.

The large man looked behind him and saw his favorite girl smiling at him, so he smiled back.

“I was thinking about what I should do when I get home,” Hurley confessed, making Joscelyn think about the same thing. Only she had to think about what her home was. Was it in London with her mom and dad, or in LA with Paige, Derek and little Lilly? She didn’t know.

“Or are you thinking about what you are going to eat first,” the girl said teasingly, making Hurley smile. Usually it was Hurley making her smile, Joscelyn thought.

“That too,” the man said, “But what are you going to do when you get home?”

Home sweet home, she thought. That probably would be Los Angeles. Paige would be worried out of her mind. She was the protective kind of sister, probably because she was the older one. Or maybe because it was just in her character to do so.

“I want to call my sister first,” Joscelyn said. “She’ll be worried. Derek was supposed to pick me up at the airport about 2 months ago. They must have been really worried when I didn’t show up. Especially when I still wasn’t there after a few days. Maybe they think I’m still in England, with my dad. Paige will be worried anyway.”

She thought of her sister again, then of her brother-in-law. She thought about little Lilly, who’s nanny she was going to be. But that was before the plane crash. Before she lived in that bunker for so long, with many nice people. Ana, Libby, Karleigh, Kellye, Jilly, Barbara, and that nice guy Bobby. Clay and the people from the Liberation were the only bad thing there. It was not a good experience, but Joscelyn met great people. In the bunker, and after that. She met Hurley.

“Earth to Joscelyn,” Hurley said, smiling. “Where were you?”

Joscelyn blushed, and then smiled at Hurley. She was so deep in thought, she almost forget he was standing almost next to her.

“I was thinking,” she said. “About the nice people I met on the island. I never thought that would happen when I got on the plane. Nobody expected it to crash. And when it did, everyone was scared at first. Then everyone started bonding. I’ve seen it happen in the bunker, and I bet it happened in your group too Hurley.”

The young girl looked at her friend, as he started smiling at her. Joscelyn couldn’t hide a blush. She really liked Hurley. Really, really liked him.

“It happened to everyone,” Hurley said. “I thought this island was cursed. But then, I met so much wonderful people. I met Charlie and Seth. And I met you.”

This comment made Joscelyn blush once more. She knew Hurley liked her, but every time he said something about it, it still made her blush, and she got very giggly.

“Thank you Hurley,” she said. “I’m really glad I met you too.”

When he blushed a little too, Joscelyn stepped closer to him. She gave Hurley a little kiss on his cheek, which made him smile and blush even more.

“What is this,” a voice said. “The friggin’ Love Boat?”

Joscelyn looked behind her, at who said that. It was Sawyer, the loud but sometimes funny redneck. She didn’t know him all that well, but Hurley did, and always told her Sawyer was rude most of the time, until he suddenly started to change. Hurley told her about the nicknames almost everyone had, including his own nicknames, Lardo being used the most.

“Hello Sawyer,” Hurley said, clearly not too happy to see him. “Joe, if you don’t mind, I’m going to talk to Alexander. He has been wanting me to tell him a bit more about the real world for a while now. These movies are going to his head, if you ask me.”

That made Joscelyn giggle. She knew that Alexander was getting pretty obsessed over his movies. He had been watching TV a lot. Mostly it was either Star Wars or Spiderman.

“Sure Hurley,” she said. “You go and tell him. It’s all okay with me. I think he would really like it. And I’m sure Sawyer wouldn’t mind me staying here.”

At least, Joscelyn hoped the redneck wouldn’t mind. She didn’t know how he would react, because she really didn’t know him at all. But behind the tough guy act, he could be a really nice guy. She didn’t know, but she wanted to know.

“I don’t mind,” Sawyer said. “Nothin’ better than the company of a beautiful woman.”

Joscelyn blushed again. Sawyer sure could do flattery. She didn’t know what he did in the real world, but she was sure he would have all the women wrapped around his finger.

“Thank you Sawyer,” Joscelyn responded. “I am truly flattered. But you should save the flirting for the other women. Natasha, or maybe Kate.”

She saw the flinch when she said Kate’s name, and didn’t knew why. Maybe he was frustrated with what was happening between Jack and Kate, a thing Joscelyn saw a while ago, and what was clear to see at the Spin the Bottle game, which she and Hurley also played. She looked at Hurley, who was leaving, to go and talk to Alexander.

“Things okay with you and Biggie,” Sawyer suddenly asked, surprising Joscelyn with the question. She didn’t thought he was the kind of guy to ask about things like that, to care about things like that. Maybe she had been wrong in judging him so soon.

“We’re good,” Joscelyn said, smiling at the thought of Hurley. “And you Sawyer? You’re with someone? I’m sorry that I don’t know. It’s just, I haven’t talked to you a lot before.”

And amazingly enough, Sawyer smiled at her. Not with a flirtatious smile, just with a nice open smile. It made Joscelyn think about him.

“That doesn’t matter sweets,” the redneck said. “I’m not with some girl. It’s just me, myself and I here. It’s good to know we might get home soon, though.”

Joscelyn smiled, thinking about her family again. She hoped Sawyer had someone to return to when they got back to the ‘real’ world.

“That is good indeed,” she said, looking at the redneck. “Do you have someone to get back to, Sawyer? Family, friends maybe?”

The hurt look in his eyes told Joscelyn enough. She sure was asking all the wrong questions, she thought. She didn’t want to hurt this guy; she had a feeling he had already been hurt more than enough.

“I don’t have anyone to get back to,” Sawyer said.

“I’m sorry,” Joscelyn responded. “I know what it is to be lonely.”

That made Sawyer look at her in surprise. He obviously thought she was nothing like him, never lonely or unhappy. She almost wanted to be sarcastic.

“You have daddy issues too, JoJo,” Sawyer asked.

“Yeah,” she admitted, speaking softly, almost whispering the word. She had daddy issues, and if she presumed right, Sawyer had issues with his parents or father too.

“Well, you sure ain’t the only one darlin’,” the redneck responded, making Joscelyn smile slightly. That accent of his made her giggle. If Sawyer ever flirted with her, she would only giggle though. She wouldn’t trade Hurley for the world.

“You know what Sawyer,” Joscelyn, or ‘JoJo’, which apparently was her new nickname, said to him. “I never thought you were such a good person to talk too.”

When she looked at him, she swore she could see him hiding a blush. That made her really start giggling. He was blushing, how cute! Where was the camera when you needed it the most, she thought and giggled again.

“Thanks for the compliment darlin’,” Sawyer then said. “I like you too. I can see what he sees in you, JoJo.”

Hurley told her Sawyer had been quite a jackass when he met him first, but Joscelyn hoped he changed. He seemed like a nice person, and she hoped they could be friends.

“You want to be friends JaJa,” Joscelyn asked him.

“JaJa,” Sawyer responded, clearly wondering where the hell that came from. It made her giggle once again. The nickname JaJa, well, it was just a thought. A silly idea.

“I don’t know your name,” she explained, “but the first thing I heard about you was that you were a complete jackass. And, it sounds cool with JoJo.”

When she heard him laugh out loud, she looked at him, surprised. He was clearly enjoying the nickname, and that was her sign to continue with it. He wasn’t going to be so happy with it anymore when the rest of the people on the boat heard it.

“It even fits with my name,” Sawyer managed to squeeze out between his laughter; “you sure are something JoJo. It sounds good though. JoJo and JaJa, off to conquer the world.”

And with that, he started laughing again. This time, Joscelyn joined him. Okay, it sounded silly, she thought, but she liked it. At least Sawyer could laugh about it.

“Sure JaJa,” JoJo said. “You know what; I’m going back to Hurley.”

The redneck smiled at her, and Joscelyn smiled back at him. She was happy to have made a new friend in Sawyer. Well, in JaJa, she giggled.

“Don’t be a stranger JoJo,” Sawyer responded, making Joscelyn smile again.

“I won’t JaJa,” she said to him, “I’m your friend now. I won’t forget.”

As simple as that, the newfound friends smiled at each other. Joscelyn walked up to Sawyer, a little awkwardly, and gave him a hug, which he gladly accepted.

“I knew you had a thing for me JoJo,” Sawyer said, smiling a devilish, sexy grin, making Joscelyn giggle again. Sawyer sure was something, she thought.

“Shut up JaJa,” she said, and smacked his arm. “I’m going back to Hurley now. I’ll leave you here to think. If you are able to think, that is.”

Looking at the redneck, who was smiling at her, Joscelyn realized how much of a blessing the island truly was. People bonded, either as friends, family or more. And some people, like the infamous jackass Sawyer, they changed. Mostly, they changed for the better.

“Thanks for the talk JoJo,” Sawyer called to her as she left, still smiling at the new friend he just made. He didn’t know what was going to happen when everyone got back to the ‘real’ world, but he would most certainly remember the island and the people on it. The people who he befriended. McKay, his slowly forming friendship with Jack, and all of the girls. Natasha, Kate, Shanna, and now this girl, Joscelyn. The first three girls, he liked them in a different way, though he knew Kate liked Jack and Seth too. But he shouldn’t think about that. Sawyer was glad he made friends on Craphole Island.
When Joscelyn was on her way to Hurley, she decided to check on Kellye first. She wanted to see how her friend was doing. She knew how much the soldier girl wanted to get home safely.

“Is that you Joe,” she heard Kellye saying, sounding if she just woke up, still a bit sleepy.

“Yeah, it’s me Kellye,” Joscelyn responded, “I came to check on you before I go back to Hurley. I was talking to Sawyer for a while.”

It was a bit dark in the room Kellye was in, so Joscelyn couldn’t see much of her friend. She knew Kellye would be a little bit shocked about the talking to Sawyer thing. Kellye didn’t know him all that well, and she didn’t trust him either.

“You were talking to that jackass redneck,” Kellye asked.

“He’s actually really nice,” Joscelyn said. “We are friends now. I even gave him a nickname. I don’t think he would like it if anyone knows, but I will tell you anyway. He started calling me JoJo, so I call him JaJa; coming from jackass.”

Kellye started giggling a little at that name. Sawyer would hate it if she called him that, or at least, he would pretend to hate it. She loved it.

“Good one Joe,” Kellye said. “But now I really want to sleep again.”

Joscelyn looked at her friend, who was already asleep, as soon as she stopped talking. She giggled and left the room, going back to search Hurley, who was probably still talking to Alexander about something.

“I like Mandy,” was the first thing she heard when she got back. It was Alexander’s voice who said it, with still a bit of a French accent audible in it.

“Hello Alexander,” Joscelyn said, “hi Hurley. I was done talking to Sawyer, so I thought I would go back here and talk to you guys.”

The guys looked up at her in surprise, clearly not knowing she was there, and wondering how much she had heard. The movie wasn’t playing anymore; it was stopped at the fight between Spiderman and Doc Ock on the tower. Joscelyn was really surprised Alexander wasn’t watching anymore. She smiled, looking at the guys again.

“Hello Joscelyn,” Alexander said, trying to pronounce the name right. “Hurley just said he likes you. That he really likes you. He hopes you like him back.”

This comment made Hurley turn beet red, and Joscelyn started giggling. The wild boy was just starting to get used to some things. He was naïve in one way, but really grown up and mature in an other way. He didn’t know much about relationships though.

“I knew that,” Joscelyn said, “I know Hurley really likes me. And Hurley knows I really like him. At least, I hope he knows.”

She looked at Hurley, and smiled at the large man, who was still looking a bit red and smiled at her in return. Joscelyn hoped this would make sure she liked him. Hurley knew, but it felt like he couldn’t believe it at times.

“Thanks Joscelyn,” Hurley said. “How were things with Sawyer?”

Was he asking about that because he was jealous, or was it because he was genuinely concerned about Sawyer’s wellbeing? Joscelyn didn’t know why he asked, but she was really glad he asked it.

“We’re friends,” Joscelyn simply exclaimed. “We even have nicknames for each other. I am JoJo and Sawyer is JaJa. From jackass, or whatever his name may be.”

Hurley started laughing, and so did Alexander, even though he didn’t quite seem to get what was so funny about it. Joscelyn smiled.

“His name is James by the way,” Hurley said. “Dude, that nickname is cool.”

Joscelyn giggled yet again. Hurley could always make her smiled. She made such great friends on the island. Her ‘old’ friend Kellye; Hurley, who she really liked; and now her ‘new’ friend Sawyer. She wouldn’t trade this experience for the world.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Part 330 : Day 75

Special Edition of the story by Shelley

The gentle lilt of the Butterfly Rogue woke Mia as she lay face down on the plush carpet of the living area. Slowly her eyes opened with the changing blues and greens emitted from the television set playing scenes of "Black Hawk Down" for the fifth straight time that evening. Mia didn’t remember falling asleep, just the feel of John sitting behind her rubbing her feet while everyone was talking after yet another fried shark dinner. Sun and Marita had become quite the little gourmet chef with their menial supplies. Mia’s jean jacket was draped over her shoulders to keep her warm and she slipped her arms through the sleeves while sitting upright. Glancing around the darkened room, she thought everyone was asleep, but the room was a little too crowded for her taste.

She quietly stood and tip toed across the room to turn the movie off. Nearing the DVD player, she couldn’t find the stop button before hearing a small whisper behind her, "More soldiers please."

Before she even turned around she knew that Alexander voice had beckoned her to leave the movie playing. Mia turned and ran her hand over Alexander’s floppy mess of a hair as she left the room. He was on the verge of passing out, so it was another moment when she played den mother to her friends.

In the free oceanic air, Mia leaned against the railing breathing in deeply. She fished in her pants pocket for a rubber band and used both hands to pull her hair back into a ponytail. Several Rogue crew were soundly sleeping under the night sky beside her, so Mia crawled up to the bow of the boat and sat crossed legged leaning her arms over the railing. For a moment, she wished the boat was cruising along so she would have felt like Rose from "Titanitc" but laughed away the thought, remembering how much she hated that movie. "What are you giggling at, missy?"

Mia turned to see Shanna crawling over towards her, wrapped in a sleeping bag. "Are you that cold Shanna?" teased Mia as she tugged the sleeping bag to envelope herself as well.

"Yes! This breeze at night is horrible! At least now we can cuddle," Shanna smiled at her friend as they leaned in close for warmth.

Back home in the States, the girls would have been in well into Autumn, but here in the Southern Hemisphere Spring was just beginning, full of evening briskness. Mia and Shanna both stared blankly into the dark sea trapped in their own thoughts. "I’m so thankful that you missed your Walkabout." Shanna almost whispered after a bit.

Mia looked over at her friend, realizing the compliment behind that statement. Shanna was thanking her for opening her heart and mind. Shanna’s whole life had been about finding acceptance, mostly with her father, but also with friends. Mia always had the strange sensation Shanna never felt truly accepted until her time on this island. Brendon, Seth and the whole group had grown to love everything about the bubbly red head, including her unorthodox sexual behavior. Mia knew that Shanna needed friends like she had found on this island. "Are you dreading heading back to the real world, Shanna?" Mia asked.

Looking down, Shanna did not answer Mia. But her nonverbal communication confirmed
everything to Mia.

"Shanna, don’t worry about your father. You have all of us now; fate brought us all together."

"Just like fate will never let the Sox win the series," Shanna quickly piped up.

"What on Earth? Shanna, I didn’t know you followed baseball?" Mia laughed as she leaned in closer to Shanna, understanding Shanna’s desire to change the subject.

"Oh, I don’t follow baseball," Shanna giggled as she proceeded. "I just overheard Sawyer saying that line once. I thought it had pizzazz and I couldn’t wait to use it myself! I don’t even know what it means!"

The girls looked at each other and busted out laughing at Shanna’s quirkiness. Remembering it was the middle of the night; they both covered their mouths to soften their laughter. Ana-Lucia made a half attempt a angry moan as she turned over on her side.

"Shanna, you are a strange duck sometimes. " Mia giggled, "Let me explain it, the Red Sox won the World Series back before my grandma was born. A couple years later, the owner traded the great Babe Ruth – you’ve heard of him, right?"

Shanna crinkled her nose and shook her head no. "I know the candy bar, is that what you are talking about?" she shrugged her shoulders.

"Really, did your dad lock you up in that pharmacy? Okay, he was like the greatest player of that time. Well, he was traded to New York. Since then, the Yankees have been one of the best teams and the Red Sox haven’t won a World Series since. The Curse of the Bambino. Fate won’t let them win. There you go! Now you can go home and impress some boy, or girl, that you
know why the Sox won’t ever win a Series!"

"Mia, are you sure you are a girl?" Shanna giggled.

"Yes! I just dated this baseball freak a couple years ago. I swear, you could ask him who played third base for, like, um, the Royals in 1985 and he would know. Man, I’m glad John isn’t like that!"

"Mia! Stop making me laugh! I’m too tired," Shanna whispered after she stopped laughing due to her yawn,"I’m going back to bed, hun, it’s late."

Shanna leaned her head against Mia before crawling aft towards the others. The bow of the ship seemed lonely for a second after Shanna crawled away, but for some reason Mia wasn’t tired. The water splashing on the side of the boat mesmerized Mia as she continued to stare at it for what seemed like hours. A breeze tussled her ponytail and she pulled her jacket in tighter. She heard movement behind her, but thought someone was shifting their sleeping positions. Then she felt warm arms pull tight around her and a soft kiss on the back of her neck. Mia instinctively leaned back into the comfort of John’s warm body and sighed softly. "What were you and Shanna laughing about?" John spoke softly not to wake anyone, but he was so close to Mia’s ear that he was arousing her a little.

"You," she turned and tenderly kissed the man she had fallen deeply in love with.

A mere thirty minutes ago she was analyzing Shanna for not wanting to go home and now the tables were turned; John was seeing Mia’s vulnerabilities. John pushed his hands deep into the pockets of Mia’s jacket for warmth as he pulled her closer, gently kissing her ear. "I’ll always be here for you Mia, you will never have to be alone again." He told her.

Mia now understood why she couldn’t sleep. She needed to say goodbye to island life and accept her new life with her friends in the real world. Why else would the three of them suddenly not be able to sleep in the middle of the night? "Do you know what time it is?" she whispered softly to stop John.

She had to get him to stop kissing her ear somehow!

John looked to the sky and Mia could tell he was processing thoughts. "I would guesstimate around 3am."He blinked.

Mia laughed at the absurdity that John could tell the time by simply looking at the stars! But when she turned her head to mock him, she found him still staring at the stars above. He grabbed her hand and together they pointed almost straight up. "In late fall Castor and Pollox, Pollox is the brighter one, are almost straight up in the middle of the night. They approach the
Eastern skyline the nearer we get to morning." he said, with a slight whisp of cold air echoing into the night.

Mia was shocked that after all this time she could find out something this fascinating about John. It made her wonder how much more she would have to learn about Mr. Riggs, and how she simply couldn’t wait until she could learn everything about him. John was staring back into Mia’s eyes and seemed able to read her thoughts. "You’ll learn every detail about me, trust me Mia, you will." He jammed his cold hands back into her pockets and pulled her back against him.

He knew that he had found the most amazing woman in the world. He closed his eyes
against her hair, smelling sweet of salt. Inside her right jean pocket his fingers wrapped around a small piece of cold metal. He pulled it out and held it up to examine it in the soft moonlight."Oh! I had forgotten about that!" Mia gasped, "Locke gave it to me before we left the Island and asked I throw it overboard a couple days out to sea. Just in case the Liberation can still track us."

As Mia finished her explanation, John gently tossed it out to sea where the darkness closed in around it. "Now we are free of the Liberation forever," John whispered.

"We better be," Mia scoffed, "Buncha freaks, the lot of them."

"Don't get your self worked up, Honey," the archer chuckled, "Locke said they wouldn't come for us and I believe him."

Mia massaged the back of her head against John's shoulder. The thought of Locke made her miss his company; his wisdom, his compassion. He was so much like her father, she never realized it until he was gone. "John, tell me I will see Locke again." she whispered.

"You will, darlin. You will."

Hearing John say it, gave it more of a promise feel to it. Like if he said it, she knew it would happen. Mia pulled his arms closer around her as she stared off into the infinite horizon of the ocean. The moonlight crested against the water, as a scuddle of fish jumped around in the bright moonlight.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Part 329: Is it Safe?

Jack winced slightly as Desmond proceeded to sew up his arm. As he was finished, he tied it shut and clipped it off. Kristy gave him the bandage and he covered his arm with it. “You’re all set, Jack.” He told him.

“Thanks, Desmond.” He smiled.

“No,” Desmond said, extending his hand, “Thank you.”

The two doctors shook hands together; a silent from for respect for the two men as they overcame adversary yet again. Desmond then took off his latex gloves and then washed his hands; getting ready to help Hal. The cop rested on the gurney next to them with Libby by his side. He was already asleep due to the morphine. Luckily his wound was nothing severe, same as Jack.

The doctor slowly walked down the hallway to check on the others. Isabella smiled at him, as she was in a recliner, holding onto her sleeping son: who was no longer gasping for air. Sayid was with Shannon, Andra and Flower, telling them everything that had happened. Kristy gently brushed up against Jack’s hand as he walked past her. He stood there briefly, touching her curly hair. It was his own silent way of saying he was glad to see her again. Micheal and Charlie were with Claire and the others as they carried the body of Lydia out of the room. Jack closed his eyes in sadness. He barley knew Lydia but it didn’t change the fact that she was one of them and losing anybody was a hard thing to do.

The sound of the alarm high above made him turn around toward the control room. Within seconds, Locke was already typing in the numbers to give them the medicine. The beeping turned off and then out of the pneumatic tube shot the vial of medicine. “How’s your arm?” Locke asked.

“It’ll heal,” Jack whispered.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” the bald man whispered.

“What does?”

“The conflict being finally over.”

“We lost Lydia, Locke,” Jack sat down on a nearby chair, “ The victory is ours, yeah but when we lose someone, it makes it . . .empty.”

Locke didn’t say anything that the response. Soon more series of beeps came from the Argos machine. The bald man smiled as he began typing away at the keyboard. Jack then leaned over, noticing his familiar expression: a giddiness that told him he found something new. “What is it this time, John?” he asked.

“Goodwin gave us a gift before his passing,” he whispered with a grin, “Jilly said he knew a password to encrypted files in the Argos system. I’m accessing them now.”

Jack walked over toward the computer monitor. He looked at it and saw the files listed on the screen.


“I’m almost scared to wonder was Wishing Well entails.” Jack mentioned.

“Does make you wonder, doesn’t it?” Locke smirked.

“Well . .. what does it say?”

“I can’t get into it. It requires even ANOTHER password.”

“Which ones can you get into?”

“Shark Cage Schematic, Storage Holds and Liquid Assembly,” the bald man told him, “I have a funny feeling that whatever Goodwin wanted is within the hidden files.”

“You reap what you sew,” Jack then pointed, “Is there anything special about the shark cage?”

“Yeah, believe it or not, it had a pressure sensitive door above them. If something lands on it, it will then fall through into the cage.”

“What’s to stop them from using that to get out?”

“The designers were not stupid,” Locke said, pulling up the schematic, “The door opens only inward, not outward. My guess it’s a way to supply them with food.”

“Really?” the doctor blinked.

“Maybe if Desmond feeds them a boar every now then, they might not be so violent.”

“Maybe,” Jack said, his left eye twitching, “I know just what we can start with to give them something to eat.”

Jack walked out of the control room to find Sayid and Hal. He had a job for them to do, one they probably wouldn’t mind.

Jack slowly walked down the stairs into the oceanic observation room. He strode over to the console and pressed the button to raise the metal shield. The moment it was free, he saw one of the sharks plowing toward it. The underwater beast slammed into the glass, making his attempt at cracking it. Then the other two swam up toward the glass, making their presence known. Jack didn’t budge; nor show any fear. The sharks were a little confused, wondering why he hadn’t closed the shields by then. The doctor then raised his hand and pointed behind them. The sharks blinked their eyes, confused by Jack’s gesture. What could he be pointing toward?

One shark caught a sniff of something in the water; blood. They twirled around only to find the body of Goodwin floating down to greet them. Two of the sharks then made a bee-line for him, ripping his legs off. Jack watched the third shark and gasped, as it seemed to wink at him. Then it shot off to begin devouring the body of Goodwin. The doctor watched as they began to pick apart the villain in chunks of body parts and blood.

The thought of losing Lydia didn’t hit Jack as hard as he thought it would. He wondered why? Was it because he barely knew her or had he grown numb to the pain of loss? He hoped it was the first option. Watching Goodwin get eaten could not make up for what had happened. However, Jack was not going to lose sleep over it. He was thinking back to a quote that Tony told him about.

The only way for evil to thrive is for good men to do nothing.

He couldn’t remember if it was Shakespeare or Socrates. He began to walk up the stairs, making a mental note to ask his blind friend when he saw him again.

Barbara finally came outside, holding the blanket. Eddie was standing out in the grounds area, looking at the jungle area. A light misty ran began to form around them. As she approached her son, she held the blanket for him. “I found you one, Eddie.” She said.

“Thanks, mom,” he said, taking it.

“What did you need it for?”

“I needed it for her.”

“Who?” his mother blinked.

“Raven should be picking her up now.”

Barbara looked up when she saw her son point toward the jungle. They saw the swift body of Raven flying into the distance and then he landed ten feet in front of them. The older redhead gasped when she saw he was carrying the body of a dead young girl. The masked man walked up to Eddie and kneeled low. The boy then flapped the blanket on the ground and Raven placed her in it. “Eddie.” She whispered.

The young boy didn’t answer her. He simply kneeled down and crossed Bunny’s arms over her chest. Then he began to fold the blanket up around her. He stopped when he reached her head. He gently caressed her cheek and moved the hair out of her eyes. “So brave,” he sniffed.

“Eddie, who is she?” Barbara asked.

“One of the kids at Lone Wolf station,” he said, finally covering her face, “She helped me and Sebastian escape but it cost her, her life. I thought . . .I should bury her. I owe her that much.”

Eddie then picked up Bunny’s body and held her in his arms. He started to walk away briefly then stopped. He slowly turned toward his mother with tears streaming down his cheeks. “Could you help me?” he wept.

Barbara shook her head in agreement and began to follow her son. The small boy walked out into the distance of the beach ; looking for a place to bury her. Raven said nothing; he started to head into the Shark Tank to find a shovel for the boy. Back at the beach, Eddie sat her down on the soft sand. He then picked up a nearby broken sea shell, found a spot and began to shove the sand away. Barbara kneeled down and started to work with her hands.

Then Eddie heard movement past the bushes. He looked up to Hal, Ecko and Jack walking over with actual shovels. The boy then stood up as the three men started to dig in the area that he was at. Kristy and Natasha then arrived with sticks and rope. Within seconds, he understood they were making a cross. Others began to come out, including Desmond and Locke. When Hal stopped digging, Desmond took over. Eddie smiled brightly, wiping his tears. “Thank you.” He whispered.

The group of adults just nodded their heads toward him. Barbara stood behind her son as the other survivors continued to dig the grave of the young girl they never knew. But they did know Eddie knew her and to them, that would honor her.

Jack took a sip of his water, after he was done digging Lydia’s grave. They had just gotten done completing the second grave for their survivor. Hal helped him up as they wanted to head back inside and get cleaned up. Sebastian walked over toward Bunny’s grave and placed a grouping of tropical flowers near the cross of her grave. Eddie rested at the foot of the grave, gently rubbing his hands over the sand. Isabella then came over to Ecko and handed him a Gideon bible they had in the building. “Thank you,” he whispered.

Eddie leaned open, hoping he would say something. He began to turn to a grouping of pages and then once he found what he needed; he started to read. “But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."” He said, then closed his book.

“Thank you, Ecko.” Eddie told him, standing up.

The young boy began to walk away toward the other parts of the beach. He stopped when he felt a gentle hand touch his shoulder. He looked up and saw the deaf woman he labeled sister. Jilly didn’t say anything; just looked at him. However, that was what became poetic about it; family didn’t need to say anything to understand how the other felt. “I’m fine, Jilly,” Eddie assured her, “I just need to sit by the water a while.”

Eddie kept walking toward the beach where the water connected to the sand, leaving the adults behind. He walked over to find a spot and then sat down, crosslegged. The waves rushed up slightly near his bare feet as he stared into the ocean. He gently leaned back and reached into his side pocket, pulling out Bunny’s locket. Eddie stared into it, holding it into his hands. Who was this girl? Why did she have to become a part of his life? The young boy felt his heart breaking. What would have happened had she come back to America with him? He’ll never know.

Eddie then winced as Vincent licked his cheek. He petted the dog down as Walt and Sebastian walked over to join their friend. The black kid sat toward his right and Sebastian sat toward his left. Eddie smirked at his younger friend; then gently put his arm around his neck as a sign of affection. “Thanks, Eddie.” Walt said.

“For what?” he asked.

“For not waiting on me to go play ball,” the black sniffed, “If you didn’t, then we might have all been kidnapped and I don’t think . . .I would have been brave enough to escape them.”

“It’s no big thing, Walt,” he said, patting his arm, “ The important thing is me and Sebastian came out alive. That’s all that matters.”

“So the danger is really over?”

Eddie took a deep sigh and looked out at the ocean. “Is it really ever over?” he whispered, “Danger comes from all sides, Walt. When we migrate back to the real world, we’ll face dangers there too. It’s only a different kind.”

“You think we’ll ever get off this Island?” Walt asked.

“I know we will,” Eddie smiled, “I got faith in Tony. He’s never let me down and I don’t expect him too now.”

“I wish I had your confidence.”

“You don’t know them like I do, Walt. It’s just . . . .a leap of faith.”

The three boys shared their silence as they stared into the ocean view. A rolling mist started to come into the horizon and the sun began it’s descent into disappearance. The ocean brushed up white foam and seaweed into the sand five feet from them. “It’s gonna rain.” Walt mentioned.

“I know,” Eddie smiled.