Lost Fan Fiction

What about the people in the tail section?

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Location: Lawrenceville, Georgia, United States

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Part 470: Point of View Part 4

7:19 pm

Tony then buckled when a hail of bullets destroyed the wall he was hiding behind. John then quickly peaked out and saw Leann with her two minions. They quickly opened fire on him but promptly missed. The archer then pulled out one of his last explosive arrows. McKay loaded up his shotgun, and looked at him. “You got the look of a kid on Christmas, John.” The Australian laughed.

“Man, I feel like Green Arrow.” The gym teacher said as he loaded up the special arrow.

“I thought you would have said Hawkeye or are you not a Marvel man?” The one-eyed doctor chuckled.

John then pulled back the arrow and fired down the hallway. He wasn’t aiming for the bad guys; he was aiming for a metal conduit. The archer has the skill to bank the shot, making it ricochet and head straight for them. Leann and her soldiers ducked into a stairway as the explosive arrow struck a nearby wall; turning it into debris. Tony then peered around and all he saw was smoke. Then as the whiteness began to clear, he could see the open door to the stairway. “COME ON!!” he screamed as he ran toward the door.

Bullets bounced around as Tony quickly left the entrance. He then reached in and fired his gun wildly. The bullets echoed above and then he heard a scream. McKay rushed in first as they quickly ascended the stairs. After climbing a few flights, they saw one of the soldiers that were following Leann lying on the stairs. He was holding his chest just above his heart where massive amounts of blood was escaping through his fingertips. He looked up at the three men. John then took the gun out of one of Tony’s hand. He then pulled back the breech, letting the empty shell soar into the air and the gun immediately load in another one. He calmly pointed the gun toward the man’s head. “M . Mercy.” He coughed.

“You shot my wife, you kidnapped my daughter,” John winced, “I’m fresh out.”

The gunshot echoed loudly through out the stairway. Tony had covered his eye but then looked at the soldier. The man was still holding onto his chest wound but his eyes were rolled to the back of his; almost an horrific sight as it seemed he was staring at the bullet wound in his forehead. John coughed a bit then and then handed back the gun to his best friend. Before they could say anything, they heard a helicopter above. McKay then shoved past them and run up the stairs. John and Tony quickly followed after him.

McKay reached the door and then shoved open the door. He immediately saw Leann and her last soldier stepping into a helicopter. The Australian opened fire on them, letting the buckshot hit the side of the copter. A Liberator then opened fire on him from the driver’s side of the copter. McKay then screamed as the bullet ruptured his lower calf muscle. As he collided onto the gravel of the rooftop, Tony quickly came in and fired on them. John rushed over and grabbed his friend, dragging him onto the side of the rooftop entrance. Leann fired on Tony as the helicopter began rise. The one eyed doctor then screamed as he fired on the gas-tank but missed. The female soldier then fired again but missed at her enemy as the bullets bounced around him. Within four more seconds, they both became out of range. “JOHN!!!” Tony screamed at his friend.

John quickly rushed toward the side of the building, loading up his last explosive arrow as he ran. He stopped at the edge and aimed at the helicopter disappearing into the distance. He quickly fired upward, hoping his arm would make it fall right on top of them. The archer stared at his weapon as it shot into the blackness of the city lights. Then his arrow exploded about ten feet near the copter. It banked slightly but the pilot was able to regain control. “DAMN IT!!” John screamed, as they saw her fade into the night.

Tony and John then turned sharply at the sound of an explosion. McKay grunted as he was thrown forward from the flames that shot out of the stairway. The two friends rushed over to the Australian and then began to drag him away. The bald man then grunted as he held onto them, until they got him a few feet away. “John, check the stair way!” Tony told him.

The archer threw off his empty quiver as he ran back toward the small rooftop entrance. He got to it but he could only barely see through the smoke. What he did see wasn’t good. The majority of the stairs they came up with were on fire. He backed off and jogged back over to his friends. The archer then collapsed into the gravel beside them. “It’s no good,” he coughed, “The stairs are on fire.”

“Any other way off of here?” Tony panted.

McKay took a look around. All he saw was another far end of the building but it had nothing to climb onto. Not to mention the helipad was now empty. “No other way, unless you are Superman.” He sighed.

The three friends looked at each other. They all knew they were trapped on the roof and there was no way out. Tony took a deep sigh, feeling slightly regretful. He was going to take out Leann because she wanted to kill him and Marita. He never should have asked McKay and John to follow him. However, he knew deep down as their friendships go; they would have followed him to Hell if necessary. McKay looked up toward one of the sides of the building. Smoke was pouring out rapidly; meaning the fire was spreading. “I guess this is it, then.” The bald man whispered.

“Yeah, I guess it is.” Tony coughed.

John covered his face in his hands. He didn’t want to cry but he didn’t feel like he could do anything else. Tony walked over and sat next to him, gently rubbing his shoulder blades. McKay smiled at his two best friends. If he had to die, then he couldn’t think of any better people be there with him at the end. “Hey, “ he smiled, “We’ve covered some ground, haven’t we?”

John and Tony smiled; remembering his phrase from the Island. They were the best of friends, thrown together by circumstance when they needed each other the most. Tony needed friends to remind himself he wasn’t meant to be a loner. McKay needed friends to help him with his love life. And John needed friends he knew would never use him nor leave him. They were all thankful for the Island and what it gave them.

John looked up at the sky, with tears coming down his face. He couldn’t stop thinking of Mia and Shelley. He hoped they would be okay without him. The archer marveled at the stars that he could see through the smog. It made him feel a sense of peace. “I just wish . . . I just wish I could have seen Shelley grow up.” He whispered.

Tony stared up at the sky with him, thinking of his own unborn child. “The point is they WILL grow up.” He whispered.

It made McKay think of his unborn child with Taylor. “Alexander will raise my child,” he whispered with pride, “I taught him well.”

“You did, McKay,” the one-eyed doctor agreed, “And we also taught Eddie well. He will take care of all of them. I know it.”

“Yeah, we did right by Eddie. I guess . . .that’s one thing we can tell God will pride, eh?” John smiled, wiping his tears.

“Gentlemen . . .it’s been a privilege knowing you.” Tony held out his hand.

John immediately put his hand into Tony’s and McKay quickly followed suit. Back on the Island, Cecil had nicknamed them the Three Musketeers. Bonded by fate and bound by friendship, they vowed to always be there for one another. As the smoke and fire began to rise from the sides even higher, they knew they would be there with each other when they finally met Death together.

But some things are meant to come later.

John then yelped as a lightning bolt burst from the roof top near him. McKay screamed as well as more surges of electricity began to coarse around them. “WHAT IS THIS?” John screamed.

Before anybody could answer, the ground below them began to surge upward with them on it. The stucco, concrete, and steel gave way to a large, rocking platform. The three friends grabbed onto it as it rose up from the floor of the rooftop. Tony nearly has a bowel movement at the feel of the substance below him. He had felt it long ago.

It was the shell of a creature that saved him more times than it should have.

“OH, MY GOD!!!” he screamed, “IT’S THE POLLIWOG!!”

“WHAT THE HELL?” McKay screamed as he held onto the shell.

The creature let out a guttural purr as the back of it’s head could be slightly visible under the rooftops gravel. Tony remembered all the stories about how the Polliwog moved about and why it had protected him all this time. He remembered what he heard learned when it saved him from the sharks, not to mention the story that Jack conveyed back to him from Raven. It was the only logical explanation of why the creature was there now, not to mention . . . how it planned to get them off the rooftop. “HANG ON!!” Tony screamed to his friend, “CLOSE YOUR EYES!!”

“Tony, what’s it’s going to do?” McKay said as he jolted slightly.

“It’s going to teleport us off of here!!”

“WHAT?” the archer screamed, “TONY, I CAN’T DO THIS!!!”

“It’s either this or death, John!!!” the one eyed doctor leaned down, “PLEASE!! For Mia and Shelley . . .HANG ON!!!”

“OH, MY GOD!!” John grunted, as he slammed into the Polliwog’s shell, “OH, MY GOD!!! OH, MY . . . .AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.”

There wasn’t anyway to describe it.

Imagine yourself being reborn again. Or dying, yet brought back to life. Imaging being bathed in electricity only to have it not hurt you. Possibly even falling from a thousand feet up and then surviving the fall. Yes, it could not be described, riding the back of the Polliwog during it’s ability to bend space.

Tony slowly opened his eye. The darkness was dim, as if he was in a closed building. Then he saw the majority of brand name cars around him. The one-eyed doctor understood that he was in a car dealership. He remembered passing one on the way to Hanso. The doctor grunted as he leaned up. Every muscle in his body left like had had just fought off three elephants and won. A slight bit of vomit was in his mouth, not to mention he was covered in a sticky, translucent goop. The one eyed doctor wiped his face and hair of the majority of it. Then he heard a guttural purr behind him.

Tony closed his eye and turned around. He reached out for the creature and felt it’s huge tongue lick his palm. The doctor was thankful for the gifts he received in life. The magic of the Island and a creature that protected him was something he’d never thought he could ever comprehend. It was something that he would cherish for his whole life. But there was one thing he felt he needed to do.

Tony slowly opened his eye.

The doctor gasped at the sight of the Polliwog. He was expecting some fearsome creature, like the Manticore or the Griffith. What he was almost comical. The giant monster was almost the size of a T-Rex dinosaur but he was covered in dark blue feathers. On his back was a large shell, similar to a turtles. His head was similar to a hippo’s with big round eyes. The Polliwog panted like a dog and for the first time, it was allowing someone to look at it. The one-eyed doctor smiled and felt a little sad. He knew he’d never see the monster again and nor would anybody believe him. “Thank you . . .for everything.” He whispered.

The creature replied with a guttural purr as it back up into a corner, knocking two brand new PT-Cruisers out of it’s way. From out of the corner then shot a stream of black smoke. Tony gasped, not knowing that Monoxide had also arrived. The black smoke then hovered above the Polliwog, flashing it’s blue eyes at the doctor. The creature then bent down and started to tremble. If Tony didn’t know better, he thought it was taking a dump. Then a slow stream of clear ooze came from it’s back and then it began to sparkle in electricity. The monster began to glow a bright blue, enough for Tony to cover his eye. Then in a burst of air and electricity, the Polliwog and Monoxide were gone.

Tony slowly stood up. He slung the majority of the goop off his arms. He then heard a familiar moaning sound. He looked beyond the expanse of parked show-cars. “John?” he called.

“OH, MY GOD!!” the archer screamed, “WHAT IS THIS CRAP ALL OVER ME?”

Tony rushed over and helped his friend to his feet. Nearby McKay was grunting awake as well. Before he was able to stand, he promptly vomited. The one-eyed doctor patted him on the back and then helped him up. The Australian could barely stand because of his wounded leg. Tony looked at them both and chuckled a bit; happy to be alive. John, however, was still in freak-out mode. He slowly held out his hands, as the goo slid off of them. “What . . .is this?” he whispered in utter disgust.

“Near as I can tell, the Polliwog secretes it. It acts an electrical conductor to aid him in his teleportation.” Tony guessed.

“He . . .secretes . . it?” the archer said, still disgusted.

“John, do you realize what just happened? WE TELEPORTED!!!” Tony screamed in glee, “We’ve done in one minute what most scientists dream of their whole life! Isn’t that amazing?”

John then slung the goop off his hands and proceeded to walk toward the car dealership’s bathroom. “I’ll be amazed . .AFTER I wash this crap off.” He said, shoving the door open.

“Somehow I think he’s happy to be alive.” McKay chuckled.

After a few minutes of getting the bulk of the gunk off of them, the three friends walked out of the dealership. McKay had his arms around both Tony and John as they helped him walk with his wounded leg. He had taken off his shirt and turned it into a makeshift bandage. The one-eyed doctor looked at all the new trucks and vans, not recognizing them. John looked everywhere through them, then noticed his survivors friends. The crowd was slowly getting onto two vans and the others who were wounded where getting into ambulances. These black clothed men were helping their friends and they were clearly going willingly into the vans. “Tony, you see this?” John asked.

“Yeah, these are not the Liberation.” The doctor concluded.

“Government?” McKay asked.

“I don’t know but they got medical equipment so let’s get you over there.”

The three friends picked up the pace a bit as they walked over. The soldiers then immediately saw them, and started jogging over to them. “HEY!” John screamed, “We got a wounded man here!”

Another black-clothed soldier responded by bring a gurney over. As soon as they brought it, McKay stumbled over and collapsed into it. The soldiers then quickly started to rush him back toward the ambulance. When he got within two feet from it, Taylor screamed and ran toward him. The Australian grunted she landed on him and showed him with kisses; happy he was alive. His little family then came over, including Mandy, Alexander and Bridgett. They all gave their thanks to see him alive.

John then looked over and saw Mia and Shelley rushing up toward him. He then embraced her as Mia held onto him. The archer then picked up his daughter and kissed her on the cheek. He then kissed his wife and held onto them both. A few minutes ago, he was resigned to his fate to die on that rooftop. Silently, he thanked the Polliwog as he held onto the people that mattered most to him.

Tony then looked around and almost as if on cue, Marita ran toward him. He held out his hands and she collapsed into them; crying up a storm. The doctor kissed her on the forehead and stroked her hair. He held onto her like he was afraid to let her go. The couple then parted and then promptly kissed. They were almost getting use to facing death and coming out on top. It made Tony appreciate what he had all the more.

The doctor parted from his Latina wife and then by happenstance, looked into the distance. Up ahead in an ambulance was Bonnie. The red-head was covered in a blanket and weeping. What scared Tony the most was the fact that she was alone.

“Where is Eddie?” he asked.


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