Lost Fan Fiction

What about the people in the tail section?

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Location: Lawrenceville, Georgia, United States

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Part 412: The Buddy System

Eddie grunted as the kendo stick slammed on his back.

The young man tucked and rolled, getting back up. His opponent came at him directly, stick in the air. Eddie blocked it and jolted; trying to sweep the leg of his combatant. The other Kendo fighter leaped up over the stick and slammed their own into his shoulder. Eddie countered and managed to strike his opponent on the leg. Then the two collided together. The young man tapped the kendo stick on the opponent’s chest, signaling he won the fight because he would have struck them across the chest. Eddie then felt a twitch between his legs.

His opponent gently tapped their Kendo stick on his inner thigh.

Eddie chuckled and backed off. He slowly removed his kendo mask. “I would have killed you but you would have made me useless to women,” he laughed, “I thought we were supposed to be fighting honorably?”

“Save that for the open field, Eddie,” Jenny laughed as she removed her mask, “You were kinda off your game today. You happy to be out of school?”

“No . . .well, yes . . .I mean, hell, I don’t know.” He said, removing his combat gear.

“There are days when I see a lot of the Three Musketeers in you.” The female cop smiled.

“Oh, yeah? And who do you see in me now?”

“Tony. He always taught you to use your brain. You can’t decide if you are happy to be out of school for the day or not.”

Eddie laughed. Jenny picked up her gear and walked over, giving him a hug. “Thanks for the workout, Little boy,” she smiled, “I’ll see you around.”

“I ain’t so little any more, Jenny.” Eddie embraced her back.

“Yes, you have grown up but I’ll always remember that snot nose brat from the Island.”

“Who you calling a brat?” the young man laugh, then took a deep inhale through his nose.

The two friends laughed. Eddie was thankful for Jenny and helping him to grow up. It was agreed that as Eddie struggled to get past the Island, he needed some form of discipline. His mother didn’t want to send him to the military, so the next thing was for him to learn martial arts. Jenny turned out to be the perfect teacher. The blonde cop then waved goodbye to him as she proceed to head into the female locker room. Eddie then walked into the men’s locker room to get cleaned up.

Afterwards, Eddie walked across the street from the Jade Moon Dojo to the taco stand. The young man walked up and ordered two chicken soft tacos, and a large diet coke. After getting his food, he sat down at an outside picnic table. As he started to eat, he looked across the street at the dojo and saw a familiar person. It was Eddie’s friend Tristan Kuma from school. “HEY, TRISTAN!” Eddie called.

The Japanese teenager looked at his best friend and then pointed toward the dojo. Eddie shook his head; telling him he had already been. Tristan then jogged across the street, and joined him at the taco stand. “I see that school is out, you’d figured you’d get your workout early.” He laughed, placing his duffle bag on the picnic table.

“I had the opportunity to meet my teacher again.” He laughed.

“Oh? How did you do?”

“She kicked my ass, as usual.” Eddie chuckled.

“The teacher will always surpass the student. It’s the way of the warrior.” Tristan said, as he walked over to get him some food and drink.

“You are a warrior poet, dude. You remind me of a friend I use to have.”

“What happened to him?”

“He died.” Eddie sipped his coke.

“On the Island?” Tristan sat back down.

“Yeah . . .on the Island . . .” the young man ate his taco.

“I read her book, ya know. Mia Riggs.” Tristan began to eat his burrito, “ That was some amazing crap you went through on that Island, Eddie. However, that part about beginning kidnapped and killing that crazed kid, what was his name?”

“Woogie.” Eddie answered immediately.

“Yeah, that wasn’t in there.”

“Of course not, Tristan. It didn’t happen to her.”

“Then why haven’t you written a book?” the Japanese teenager asked.

“Probably because I was doing my best to forget it.”

Tristan then paused and coughed; sipping on his drink. “Sweet Jesus, Eddie,” he said, wiping his mouth, “Why the hell didn’t you tell me to shut up?”

“Naw, it’s cool, man,” Eddie said, propping up his head on his chin, “I guess . . .I guess I just needed to change my focus.”

Tristan paused as he stared at his good friend. “Change your focus?” he said, with a half full mouth, “Eddie, has something happened?”

Eddie sipped on his diet coke and smirked. He grinned a little be wider as Bonnie came back into his head. “I met a girl today.” He chuckled.

“OOOOOHHHH,” the Asian teenager laughed, “Eddie is trying to establish a LOVE connection!”

Eddie crumbled up a napkin and threw it at him. Tristan laughed as he easily blocked it and then picked it up; joking that is friend shouldn’t litter. He then sat back down and finished his burrito. “So, this . .uh . .GIRL . .have a name?” he joked.

“Bonnie Mayer.” Eddie smiled, “As an added bonus, she lives two streets from me.”

“She rich?”

“Don’t think so. She said her mother was a secretary and her step-dad was a scientist. Looks like a middle wage type family.”

“She cute?”

“VERY.” The young man hissed with a grin.

“Then I suggest you go for it, brohiem.” Tristan sipped on his drink, “ If you think she digs you too, then you shouldn’t hesitate.”

“We’ll see, we’ll see.”

“Well, okay, bro,” Tristan stood up, “I’m going to go pick a fight with someone and then probably head home. How about you?”

“Actually, I think I am going to the mall. Stop on by the Cosmic Mini-Golf.”

“Why? You hoping this Bonnie girl will be there?”

“No, she won’t. I know she’s at home.”

“Dig it!” the Asian teenager clapped his hands, “Then get your ass in The Turk and drive over there. Invite her to the Cosmic Mini-Golf.”

“Tristan, I just met her!” Eddie exclaimed, “It’s not the right moment.”

The Japanese kendo fighter just shook his head and leaned into the table. “My brother, if you are waiting for the right time to ask a girl out,” he smiled, “Then you got a long wait.”

Tristan waved goodbye as he walked across the street. Eddie scoffed with a laugh at his best friend’s statement. He was certain he heard the exact same thing from McKay telling that to John about Mia. It was kind of amusing how the circle of life comes back around when it’s least expected. Eddie rubbed his face and thought about what Tristan was telling him. Would he be too forward? Or would she have fun getting to know him over a few rounds of mini-golf? The young man then laughed when he thought back to what he went through on the Island and now he was getting nervous trying to impress a girl.

Honestly, what did he have to be afraid of?

Eddie then threw his trash away and walked over to his car. It was a leafy green 1969 Chevy Nova. When he purchased it, the thing that drew him to it was the front license plate. All it said was TURK. Eddie thought it was cool that someone loved that vehicle enough to give it a name. He quickly slid into the vehicle and sped on his way, hoping Bonnie was still at her house.


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