Lost Fan Fiction

What about the people in the tail section?

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Location: Lawrenceville, Georgia, United States

Friday, May 27, 2005

Part 62: Water, Water

Seth blinked at the splashing water got into his eyes slightly. He held out the water bottle, filling it up as fast as he could. Once filled he, closed the cap and handed it to Brendon, who gave him another one. The Asian man then tossed it toward Mia who caught it, quickly placing it into her backpack. Shanna was guzzling down one bottle to regain her strength. She had never ran that fast in her life before. “I can’t believe that girl is still alive.” She gulped.

“I know. It’s amazing,” Mia commented.

“Freaking impossible is what it is!” Seth said, filling up another bottle.

“Just as impossible as us surviving that plane crash?” Brendon countered.

“Point taken,” he replied, handing him another bottle.

“Seth, here.” Shanna said, holding out the two plastic containers.

“What the hell am I supposed to do with that?”

“They are containers. They can hold water, DUH.” She scoffed.

“Oh, “Seth chuckled, “My bad. Damn good thinking, Shanna.”

Seth held out the containers while the water poured into them. After they collected into them at a certain level, Seth eased them down and began to seal them. Mia looked around, seeing as they had no more water bottles to fill up. She quickly hoisted up her backpack and turned around.

Then something moved in the bushes.

Mia froze. She looked into the distance of the jungle, staring at the branches, noticing that only two of them were moving. It was as if someone was just standing there, then moved away abruptly, causing the branches to sway. Brendon had seen it and pulled out his sword slightly by instinct. Seth had frozen as well. Shanna slowly walked up to her Lakota friend. “Mia?” she whimpered, “Who . .who was that?”

“Maybe it was that girl me and Brendon saw?” Seth mentioned.

“No,” Mia hissed, “We have to get out of here. NOW.”

No one argued and no one hesitated. They each stuffed their water bottles they had and placed on their backpacks. Brendon immediately pulled out his sword and ran into the jungle, slashing his way through the bushes to clear them a path. Shanna and Mia quickly ran behind him, while Seth brought up the rear. The young man turned one last time to make sure whoever that was, was not following them.

As they disappeared into the jungle, a lone figured stepped out into the opening. He was a young man, with slightly long black hair. He squinted his eyes, seeing them fade into the canopy of the jungle. Reaching up, he straightened the bandana around his mouth and began to walk back into the deeper parts of the jungle.


Tony massaged the back of his neck. He had to take a break from helping the young girl. John was sitting outside in the outer part of the tent. He was cleaning his bow, plus he added Ramon’s arrows to his own. Tony felt around and then his friend took his wrist, guiding him down. “Thank you,” he moaned.

“You all right?” John asked.

“Just tired. I hope we got to this girl in time.”

“We know her name yet?”

“Not yet but soon, I suspect. The girl is in remarkable health.”

“Definitely some kind of athlete judging by her muscled arms and legs.”

“Besides your case, that is probably what saved her from being out there so long.”

“Hell, I can’t imagine it. The horror of being out there along, among floating debris. I would have snapped.” John confessed.

“At least she was smart enough to grab a floating bottle of Diet Coke.” Tony pointed out.

“When we get off this island, that’ll be one hell of a PR deal for that company.” The archer chuckled.

Tony laughed at his comment. He admitted it was a fun joke but it wasn’t what Tony was most concerned about. John said when they get off this island. The blind doctor was beginning to worry if it wasn’t a question of when but rather of an if. “Tony?” Yolanda called.

“Yeah?” he said, raising his head.

“We got all her clothes off and put her next to the fire in a blanket like you said.” The black stewardess pointed out.

“Why take her clothes off?” John questioned.

“She’s already fighting dehydration. She doesn’t need to be fighting hypothermia as well.” Tony said, using his friend’ shoulder to help him standing.

“Damn, I am glad you are here to think of this stuff, Tony,” the archer pointed out.

Tony just patting home the shoulder and walked back into the inners of the tent. Yolanda took his hand, guiding him back. Tony kneeled down next to the girl as she was in a blanket. Marita was still feeding her. They moved from water to coconut milk. “She’s onto the coconuts now, Tony,” she mentioned.

“Good. That will hopefully get some vitamins in her.” The blind doctor, said feeling of her forehead, “Her head is still warm. She’s probably going to have a headache for while. Is the Advil ready?”

“Almost, Tony,” Mandy responded.

Tony knew the woman needed to have some sort of medication in her but was worried her throat was so dry it might be slightly closed up. He needed someone to crush the Advil and place it into water for her to drink. Mandy and Taylor were kind enough to respond to the challenge. In fact, it made the blind doctor proud how everybody pitched in and helped with the girl, no matter what Tony asked of them. “MMmm.” The girl moaned, as she stopped sipping on the coconut milk.

“Hey, “Marita smiled, “You still with us?”

“Yeah,” the girl groaned, “Where am I?”

“You’re on a island,” Tony mentioned, “We don’t exactly know where.”

The girl slowly opened her eyes, looking up at the doctor. She immediately noticed the obvious. “Why are you blindfolded?” she asked.

“I was struck blind in the crash,” Tony smiled, “I am Dr. Tony Largo. Mind telling me your name?”

“Jenny,” she groaned, massing her face, “Oh. . .oh, my head.”

“You’re incredibly dehydrated, Jenny,” Tony turned toward Mandy and then felt her put a cup into his hand, “Here. This should help.”

Jenny began to drink the Advil laced water. She took three gulps and gagged slightly. She coughed and Tony held up the cup. “I know this is hurting your stomach, Jenny,” Tony said, “But don’t worry. We got food coming. In the meantime, you need to get hydrated.”

“How long was I out there?” she asked.

“Since you crashed we us, it looks like ten days.” Marita told her.

“Ten Days?” Jenny said, in disbelief.

“You were in the back of the plane with us. Most of her emerged from the water. How is it you did not?” Tony curiously asked.

Jenny blinked, trying to remember. Then it all came back to her. “I was stuck,” Jenny blinked, “Stuck in the bathroom. The plane lurched and I blacked out. Next thing I know, I was inside the bathroom while it filled up with water.”

“Oh, my god,” Taylor gasped.

“You managed to get free?” Tony asked.

“The door wouldn’t budge till the whole bathroom filled with water. Then I got out and swam up to the surface. I grabbed . . .a . . .green cased and used it to float. I was waiting, hoping that I would be found.”

Tony helped her drink some more water. He was glad she managed to get free and John was right, Jenny couldn’t have done that unless she was physically able. John then poked his head through the tent entrance. “Tony, Mia and the others are back.” The archer said, “We’ll grab these empty bottles and fill up the rest.”

“Thank you, John,” Tony approved.

John walked over to McKay who was already filling up the backpack with the other empty bottles. Mia, Seth, Brendon and Shanna were collapsed on the beach, gasping for air. The archer grabbed two of their bottles, leaving it for them. As the two friends got ready to head out, Mia leaned up. “John, wait!” she called.

“Mia, that girl still needs water. We all do. You did good but rest, we’ll be back soon.” He told her.

“Please be careful,” she whispered, “Someone is out there.”

The two friends paused at what she said. John looked to McKay, then ran back to the camp. He quickly placed on his quiver, full of arrows. Swiftly, he placed on his one glove over his right hand. Then grabbed the compound bow with his left hand. He motioned for the Australian to lead the way. The two friends then disappeared into the jungle to retrieve more water.


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